What’s the #1 attitude men love in women?
Why listen to a woman like me tell you? 😉
Surely, if you want to know what men want, you should ask men! [Read more…] about The #1 Attitude Men LOVE in Women
Your brilliant life starts now
What’s the #1 attitude men love in women?
Why listen to a woman like me tell you? 😉
Surely, if you want to know what men want, you should ask men! [Read more…] about The #1 Attitude Men LOVE in Women
One of the toughest stories I hear—and I hear it over and over again—is the story of a woman who has given her love to a man in the most beautiful, generous way possible…
Only for him to back away and tell her he doesn’t want something serious. [Read more…] about 5 Keys That Make a Man Commit to You
How far would you go to win the man of your dreams?
Would you wear the kinds of clothes he likes—even if it’s not really your style?
Would you learn everything about his favorite sport—even if sports aren’t really your thing? [Read more…] about A Sneaky Way Men Test a Woman’s “Value”- Mat Shaffer
Have you ever been texting a guy and you felt SO connected…
But when you see him in person, it’s like none of that conversation ever happened?
He acts distant, like he hardly knows you. [Read more…] about 3 Texting Mistakes That Are SUPER Embarrassing!
All you want to do is get him to help.
To make a LITTLE effort.
To CARE about your needs.
But every time you try to talk to him about it, he shuts down. He fobs you off. [Read more…] about Stop Nagging and Get What You Want – Dr. Jessica Higgins
Have you ever been with a guy who’s turned on you and raged:
You did this! You did that! You’re such a you-know-what. I know who you really are, you [BLEEP].”
That’s a verbal attack. [Read more…] about Why Is My Boyfriend Mean to Me?
Of course men lie.
But here’s a news flash…
You do, too!
Before you jump all over me, let me ask you a question: [Read more…] about Why Men Lie
This is the question that dogged me from high school into my twenties…
How do I become THAT kind of girl?
I noticed which of my classmates were comfortable with boys. [Read more…] about What Men Want—Really!
Do you ever think about the guys you got caught up in…
Who you didn’t see through until it was too late?
I do. I wonder how I could have been so stupid. How I could have missed the signs. [Read more…] about Avoid These Guys Like the Plague
When you meet someone for the first time, wouldn’t it be nice to know if he really likes you or whether he’s just being polite?
When you’re out with him, and he’s gone quiet and you’re wondering why he isn’t saying anything, wouldn’t it be nice to know if you said something wrong or whether he just doesn’t have anything to say? [Read more…] about How to Read a Guy
I was once in a relationship with a man who’d figured out a great way to come out of every argument on top.
All he did was accuse ME of what HE was doing…
Or thinking about doing. [Read more…] about Why Does He Accuse You of Things You Didn’t Do?
What are you doing on October 10th?
Would you like to be kickstarting the most incredible year you’ve EVER had in life and love?
If the past year threw you for a loop – and you’re STILL recovering – then I’d like to extend a helping hand. 🙂 [Read more…] about The Secret to Finding Love in the New Year – Mat Shaffer
Remember back when you were a kid and you kept wanting to get your mom’s attention?
“Mom, come see this!”
“Mom, look at this.”
“Mom, watch this.” [Read more…] about Why Is My Partner Acting Distant?
All the hottest guys are emotionally unavailable.
They’re cool, masculine, and aloof.
When an emotionally unavailable guy turns his gaze on you, it’s like a spotlight. [Read more…] about 3 Tips for Snagging an Emotionally Unavailable Guy
When I was growing up, my family dealt with someone being upset like this:
[Read more…] about Help an Emotionally Shut-Down Man Share His Feelings