I had a “friend” who swore that getting a cat was the kiss of death for single women.
Once you got a cat, it was all over. Men “knew” about you.
What did they know? [Read more…] about Single Cat Ladies are Getting Love at Last
Your brilliant life starts now
I had a “friend” who swore that getting a cat was the kiss of death for single women.
Once you got a cat, it was all over. Men “knew” about you.
What did they know? [Read more…] about Single Cat Ladies are Getting Love at Last
Do you ever feel pressure to be a woman?
Of course not. You ARE a woman.
Assuming you’re cisgender, you’ve probably never felt you had to prove you were a woman.
Even when I was one of the flat-chested girls in junior high [Read more…] about The 5 Masks We Women Wear
Kids are naturals at this.
Tell a kid, “You did a great job!” and their face just BEAMS.
They know they did a good job. And it feels great to hear you confirm it.
Now turn to a colleague [Read more…] about The Lost Art of Accepting Compliments
I was snuggled on the sofa, reading a fat book on the history of psychology. Rain pattered on the window. The wood fire was burning. All cozy and calm in my little corner of the world.
Then I turned the page.
What?! [Read more…] about What Really Goes Through a Man’s Mind?
Three little words.
How hard can it be to spit them out?
But he acts like they’re some sort of curse.
Like saying them will ruin EVERYTHING. [Read more…] about 4 Reasons He Won’t Say I Love You
You know that thing you really hate about your guy?
That thing you don’t know if you can live with?
You’ve tried to get him to change.
More times than you can count. [Read more…] about Stop Him from Doing that THING That Annoys You
It’s the worst moment imaginable.
You thought everything was going great. You’d finally achieved a relationship with an amazing man. You loved each other. You wanted a future together.
Then you glanced at his computer. Or his phone. [Read more…] about Porn Addiction with Joshua Shea (Video)
Imagine the world’s most desirable man.
A gypsy king. A rakish pirate. A rogue of hearts.
He is unapologetic. He tells you straight out that you delight him. There is something about your eyes, mysteries that intrigue him. Come away! He will teach you secrets of yourself no man has yet discovered. [Read more…] about What the World’s Greatest Seducer Can Teach You about Attraction
You want to know the secrets of happy couples?
Then Charles and Linda Musselwhite are the perfect people to ask.
They were high school sweethearts who’ve now been married over 30 years. [Read more…] about Secrets of Happy Couples with Linda & Charles Musselwhite (Video)
The other day, I was chatting with another mother at a birthday party.
We sat on a bench watching her granddaughter run around with my daughter, gold unicorn horns tied on their heads.
We’d just finished rather large slices of rich chocolate cake. [Read more…] about Is He Depressed? Would You Even Know?
Bachelor #1 is just so sensitive.
You can tell him anything, and he’ll hold your hand and empathize. You can watch chick flicks together, and he’ll hold the tissue box. He’ll do anything you want to do…
And you just don’t feel attracted to him. [Read more…] about How to Tame a Bad Boy
He’s dropped off the edge of the planet.
No, really.
He’s not answering your texts. His social media has gone silent. You’ve stopped by his apartment and knocked, but no one answers. [Read more…] about Why He Ghosts and Why It’s NOT about You
You’re a strong, tough, badass woman.
You’re done putting up with games.
If you get into a relationship, you’re gonna call the shots. He’s going to listen to you for a change. And if he misbehaves, he’s outta there. [Read more…] about Watch Out for These 3 Ways He Tries to Control You
It’s what men go through in lieu of menopause.
The term was popularized by Lisa Bloch and Kathy Silverman, writers and best friends who noticed that the men in their lives—and the lives of their friends—were changing. [Read more…] about How to Deal with His Midlife Crisis
Wouldn’t it be great if you could read men like a book?
No more guessing what he’s thinking.
No more trying to flush out his true feelings.
Luckily, you have a super-sensitive emotion detector built right into you. [Read more…] about How to Read A Man’s Mind