Remember back when you were a kid and you kept wanting to get your mom’s attention?
“Mom, come see this!”
“Mom, look at this.”
“Mom, watch this.” [Read more…] about Why Is My Partner Acting Distant?
Your brilliant life starts now
Remember back when you were a kid and you kept wanting to get your mom’s attention?
“Mom, come see this!”
“Mom, look at this.”
“Mom, watch this.” [Read more…] about Why Is My Partner Acting Distant?
What better way to start a new year than with a vow to make more time for pleasure!
I recently spoke with Sexy Brilliant founder Devina Kaur about the transformative power of pleasure.
This time I was in the guest seat [Read more…] about Pleasure is NOT a Dirty Word
Before we get into the 3 key traits that make you stand out as a high value woman, let me be clear about one thing:
We are ALL high value.
There is no WAY another woman is worth more than you. [Read more…] about 3 Key Traits of a High Value Woman
What a year this has been!
It didn’t spare couples any more than it spared singles.
There’s the COVID breakup, the COVID divorce… [Read more…] about Love Goals for 2021
“I love you… but I’m not in love with you.”
What a thing to say!
What does that even mean—“I love you but I’m not in love with you”?
Does that mean this person still has feelings for you [Read more…] about I Love You But I’m Not In Love with You
All the hottest guys are emotionally unavailable.
They’re cool, masculine, and aloof.
When an emotionally unavailable guy turns his gaze on you, it’s like a spotlight. [Read more…] about 3 Tips for Snagging an Emotionally Unavailable Guy
I grew up thinking I knew what love is.
Love is saying, “I love you.”
It’s hearts and candy and Hallmark greeting cards.
When I imagined myself having a boyfriend [Read more…] about 3 Hidden Signs He TRULY Loves You
When I was growing up, my family dealt with someone being upset like this:
[Read more…] about Help an Emotionally Shut-Down Man Share His Feelings
As a culture, we are ever more open about sex, but infidelity remains shrouded in a cloud of shame and secrecy.”
Those are the words of psychotherapist Esther Perel [Read more…] about What If His Affair Isn’t About You?
Most of us have ended up—at least ONCE in our life—in a shouting match with someone we love.
Sometimes, it’s necessary. You’ve both got so much pent up frustration and so many things you haven’t been able to say that you’ve just got to get it all out. [Read more…] about My Boyfriend Yells at Me
Yes, everyone is stressed out.
Yes, everyone is fighting more.
But there’s one thing that not even the pressures and stress of living through a pandemic can excuse:
Abuse. [Read more…] about How Coronavirus is Affecting Domestic Violence – Cathy Oddie
One of the very best things about being a woman is how much we love others.
We’re good at loving. We’re good at caring for people. We’re good at thinking about other people’s feelings.
But the one person that seems to escape our notice is ourselves. [Read more…] about How to Love Yourself First (When You’re in Love)
There’s a good guy you know.
He’s one of those genuinely good guys. His heart is in the right place. He’s generous with his time. He treats women well.
And he cannot get a girlfriend for the life of him. [Read more…] about Why You Get Attracted to the Wrong People
I know you’ve done this….
(I don’t know anyone who hasn’t!)
You’ve met someone great. Really, really great.
And it seems like he likes you back. [Read more…] about Signs You Have Relationship Anxiety
The world needs more kind people.
If you care about others, if you spread love, if you give back, then you’re the kind of person we need right now.
And men agree.
A 2014 study discovered that men find [Read more…] about 4 Signs He Sees You as a “Nice Girl”