In the 20th Century:
Men are strong and silent.
In the 21st Century:
Men are sweet and sensitive.
My grandfather was a John Wayne superfan. He watched every movie John Wayne ever made. As far as he was concerned, that was what a man was supposed to be. The strong, silent type.
But John Wayne was a better movie star than husband. He married three times and had numerous affairs. The strong, silent type may have been swoon-worthy, but he also had a tendency to love ’em and leave ’em.
Today, we expect more from our heroes.
We expect them not to cheat, for one.
We expect them to be good fathers and good husbands—not just for the cameras, but also behind closed doors.
Being the strong, silent type is no longer an excuse that gets men out of working on their relationships.
So who are the new heroes of the 21st century?
They’re golden retrievers. They’re cinnamon rolls. They may even be himbos or babygirls.
These men are strong and soft, protective and gentle, quiet and supportive. They’re fiercely loyal and wouldn’t dream of cheating.
Being a man doesn’t get them out of changing diapers, cleaning house, or comforting tears. They’re true partners in every sense of the word.
Do they care if other men accuse them of being soft? They do not.
They’re much stronger inside than the men of old.
John Wayne was a man’s man, but most women today wouldn’t put up with him.
Question to consider:
What do you put up with?
Let us know what you think!