We don’t talk enough about how brave it is to break up.
As a woman? Whom everyone will judge?
It takes courage to say, “I am not okay with how I am being treated in this relationship.” [Read more…] about The Bravery of Breaking Up
Your brilliant life starts now
We don’t talk enough about how brave it is to break up.
As a woman? Whom everyone will judge?
It takes courage to say, “I am not okay with how I am being treated in this relationship.” [Read more…] about The Bravery of Breaking Up
If there’s one thing we women do amazingly well…
It’s making a bad situation work.
No matter what we’re given, we can find a way. We can do a lot with very little. We just adjust our expectations and feel grateful for what we have. [Read more…] about When Is It Time to Walk Away?
What you’re about to read is not pleasant. Continue reading only if you feel emotionally prepared.
Women have always wondered where all the good men have gone. [Read more…] about A Man’s Worst Nightmare
Are there parts of your guy you don’t like?
Maybe you don’t like the way he acts when he’s frustrated and not getting his own way.
Maybe he acts like a completely different person around his guy friends or his family. [Read more…] about Dealing with The Sides of Him You Don’t Like
If you have a guy who shares his feelings and listens empathetically to yours, then you have hit the jackpot.
Emotional connection is the heart and soul of relationships. Sharing feelings brings us closer.
But what if you love a guy who bottles up his feelings? [Read more…] about What’s Up with Guys and Feelings?
Have you ever noticed that your guy seems to have one personality when he’s alone with you…
And a completely different personality when he’s out with his guy friends?
It’s almost as if he’s two different people. [Read more…] about Why Is He Different When He’s With His Guy Friends?
It shouldn’t take a scientific study to tell us this:
When a woman feels like her partner is a big kid, she loses desire for him.
Losing desire is common in long-term relationships. [Read more…] about Want More Fun in the Bedroom? Have Him Do This
Picture an old married couple sitting at a restaurant, having dinner.
Where are they sitting? At opposite ends of the table… or next to each other?
Are they looking at their dinner plates… or each other? [Read more…] about He Can Feel It When You’re Not Giving Him This
Inside every man is a little boy who just wants to be happy and loved.
But the man in front of you has learned to settle for other things.
He’s learned that it’s foolish to want happiness and love. [Read more…] about Win His Heart with a Simple Glance
Inside every man is a little boy…
And that little boy loves with his whole heart.
He loves without reservations. He adores those he loves.
He wants nothing more [Read more…] about Give Him This Gift, and His Heart Will Be Yours
What do men want?
Scan the headlines of some popular websites, and it would seem to be this:
Men want respect.
Men want status.
Men want action. [Read more…] about Make Him Feel Deeply Emotionally Attached to You
It’s easy to practice the Pleasure Principle in the early days of a relationship.
Those early days are all about pleasure.
Giving pleasure. Sharing pleasure. Overdosing on gorgeous pleasure. [Read more…] about Why The Pleasure Fades in Relationships (And How to Get It Back)
It was one of those days.
I’d just finished replying to a comment from a woman on YouTube.
She’d tried to help her boyfriend with his quest to buy a car, and he got angry at her. [Read more…] about My Boyfriend Gets Angry When I’m Upset
A while back, I shared with you a “magic phrase” that helps with tough conversations.
The phrase comes from the brilliant social scientist Brené Brown, and it goes like this:
“The story I’m telling myself is…” [Read more…] about The Story He’s Telling Himself About You
It’s really not fair on men.
Women spend their entire lives learning about relationships…
While men are expected to show up, win a woman over, and live happily ever after with no relationship training! [Read more…] about Relationship Resources for Men