What do men want?
Scan the headlines of some popular websites, and it would seem to be this:
Men want respect.
Men want status.
Men want action.
The popular formula, then, to “get and keep a man” might go something like this:
- If you respect him, he’ll feel like a man.
- If you are attractive, he’ll see you as a catch that boosts his status.
- If you fulfill his needs in bed, he’ll become addicted to you.
But here’s the thing…
Even if you make him feel like a man…
Even if he sees you as a catch…
Even if he can’t wait to get you in bed…
He may never love you.
He may WANT you…
But he won’t feel a bone-deep emotional attachment to you.
That’s because the part of him that loves with all his heart is a younger part of him.
How We Learn to Love
When you’re a kid, love is natural.
Kids love their parents. They love their siblings. They love their friends.
Just watch a bunch of preschoolers. The happiness, joy, and self-expression are a delight to behold.
As we grow up, we learn to shut down our natural capacity to love.
We get hurt. We toughen up. We learn that love is not always appropriate.
By the time we’re adults, we no longer give our hearts away so freely. It just isn’t safe.
For men, this lesson is even more important.
Being loving is for girls. Boys must tough and stoic. They can’t show emotion.
Even though what little boys crave most is love, men learn to accept pale substitutes for love.
Those pale substitutes are respect, status, and action.
When you give a man those things, you’re not giving him love.
You’re giving him what he’s learned to want.
The 3 Gifts
Inside every grown man is a little boy.
And that little boy wants the same things he’s wanted forever.
That little boy just wants to swim in an ocean of love. Happiness, for him, is being with his family when everyone is happy and affectionate.
If you can make contact with that little boy inside your man…
If you can give him what he’s been craving his entire life…
Then your man will light up.
He’ll be more generous. More playful. Happier.
He’ll seem years younger.
He won’t know why. He’ll just know that, when he’s with you, he feels home at last.
So how do you give his inner child what he’s always been craving?
You give him 3 gifts.
I’ll share the first in my next article.
Let us know what you think!