You now know the 3 secret keys to lifelong happiness in love.
But if you’re single, it begs the question…
How do you attract a man like that?
Where do you even find a man like that?
He sure isn’t on dating apps—you’ve searched!
Unfortunately, popular dating advice makes the same mistake as popular relationship advice…
It was designed for an older time.
For the past two hundred years, dating and relationship advice has been teaching women to squeeze into a box in order to appeal to the “average man.”
But why should you care what the “average man” is looking for?
You don’t want the average man. You want YOUR man!
And your man is exceptional.
He’s different from everyone else. He gets you. He wants what you want.
He sees the beauty in you. He wants to create a life with you. He wants to dream with you.
What can you do to catch his attention?
You practice the Three P’s:
Pleasure, polarization, and power.
Here’s how they work…
1. Pleasure
Making a man happy takes so much skill.
You’ve got to pay attention to what makes him light up. You’ve got to listen carefully to pick up what he wishes for. Then you’ve got to deliver his gift in a way that maximizes his pleasure and delight.
Making someone happy takes emotional labor, and it’s traditionally been the type of emotional labor that women excel at.
No more!
Today, we ALL expect a partner who’s generous and thoughtful.
As women, we expect a man to put in as much work as we do. We expect him to care about our happiness. We expect him to notice what pleases us.
A man’s ability to give you pleasure is a sign of his emotional intelligence and devotion to you.
But you have to be able to receive it.
Learn how to access your pleasure power.
2. Polarization
Traditional dating advice teaches you to be a conventional woman.
Which is fine if you want a conventional relationship with a conventional man…
But if you want the best relationship you’ve ever had with your soulmate?
You’ve got do things differently!
The only way your soulmate will recognize you is if you stop hiding.
No more covering up what makes you distinctive and different.
No more hiding your flaws so that men won’t see.
Lead with your authenticity. “This is who I am.”
Accept that 90% of men won’t be interested.
You didn’t want 90% of men anyway. You only want ONE guy.
You want YOUR guy. The one who looks at you and says, “Yes! She’s the one. Where have you been all my life?”
This dating strategy is called being polarizing, and it takes bravery.
Most women would rather be conventional to avoid rejection.
But being polarizing actually speeds up the process of finding your Mr. Right.
All the Mr. Wrongs won’t find your quirks endearing. They’ll disqualify themselves right away. You won’t waste as much time in wrong relationships.
Is it nerve-wracking to show up in all your wild and wonderful weirdness?
Yes! But do it anyway. 🙂
3. Power
Conventional dating advice teaches women to use indirect power.
It teaches women to manage men. To use the subtle art of influence to bend him to her will.
But if there’s one thing that 21st century men hate, it’s being managed.
They know when a woman isn’t being up front and direct. It feels like they’re being played, and they don’t like it.
And they’re right to do so. We know that honest communication is the foundation of healthy relationships.
If you want a healthy relationship that’s based on truth and sincerity, then you need to be direct about what you think and want.
That means not second-guessing everything you say for fear of how he might respond.
It means saying the hard thing even if you think it will make him mad or cause him to question the relationship.
If he can’t handle that, then you know immediately he’s not the one for you.
One way you can quickly find out whether a man is interested in a life with you is with the No Test.
The No Test is simple:
You just say no to something you don’t want but he wants.
If he won’t accept your no for an answer, or he punishes you for saying no, then he doesn’t have what it takes to live happily ever.
You have power in every relationship.
You have the power to say yes or no. You have the power to say what you want and what you don’t want. You have the power to stay or leave.
Get comfortable with your power. Expect him to feel comfortable with your power.
That’s what partners do.
Let us know what you think!