Every time we start a new year there’s hope.
There’s hope that THIS year will finally be different.
Something will change.
Something will get better.
Something will finally happen.
And so we wait and wait and wait…
And nothing ever does change.
We get a year much like the old one. Filled with the same problems, with a dash of new problems sprinkled on top. 😉
Time is bad at changing things.
People change things.
People like you.
To get from the life you’re living now to a life that makes you shine, you need change.
You can’t just keep thinking positive and hoping things will get better and doing your best.
You need to try something new…
Something you’ve never done before…
Something that may be risky or unnatural or quite difficult.
Luckily, that’s something I can help with!
To kick off the year, we’ll be talking about how to create real change in our lives.
Even if you’ve never had success with new year’s resolutions or setting goals in the past, you’ll learn strategies that can make change as easy as breathing. 😉
To practice our change-making skills, we’ll be tackling 4 areas that we as women most struggle with.
1. Better Body Image
Some of you are struggling with body image.
Your body just isn’t what it used to be. You hate how you look on camera. Zoom is not your friend.
You’re caught between body positivity that celebrates your curves and the cruelty of magazines and advice columns telling you that any extra weight makes you unhealthy. You just want to feel attractive and desirable, and it’s so hard!
2. More Energy
Another thing I’ve heard you say is that you want more energy. You just don’t have the energy to keep all the plates spinning anymore.
It’s not even like you’re looking for the energy to travel the world or start your own business or do a triathlon. You just want the energy to make it through the day without feeling exhausted.
You want to feel like there’s more to life than this hamster wheel of going to work, getting home, making dinner, doing the dishes, doing the laundry, getting ready for the next day, then waking up and doing it all over again.
You’re just so tired. And when you’re that tired, everything seems hard. You don’t want to do anything extra, even if it seems like it would be fun.
3. Figure Men Out
Another thing I hear you say is that you don’t understand men anymore.
Men today are not like men used to be 20 years ago. They don’t treat women the same, they don’t seem to have the same expectations when it comes to relationships, and they don’t seem to care how their actions affect you.
And perhaps that’s not because of some fundamental change in men, but rather because of the way technology now mediates every area of our lives.
People say things via text that they’d never say in person. Maybe our whole society is becoming less civil and respectful…
And if that’s the case, then where’s the hope for a love that lasts?
4. Feel Confident about the Future
The final thing I hear you saying is that you want to stop worrying so much about the future…
About your finances, about where the world is going, about whether you’re doing enough to be prepared for the craziness in store.
Because you’re worried that this isn’t sustainable.
Right now your budget works because you have enough work and your expenses stretch your budget but don’t break it.
But what if something happens? What if your hours get cut? What if rents or mortgages skyrocket? What then?
Talk about questions that keep you up at night!
Everything is Interconnected
If you’re struggling in one or more of these areas, you know how it can create stress in every other area of your life.
If you don’t like how you look, for example, you can find yourself treating your body with less love and affection, which leaves you feeling crappy.
Then when you think about dating, you just groan because you think men will judge you as harshly as you judge yourself.
Or when you’re exhausted all the time, you don’t have the energy for preparing healthful meals or exercising or going out with friends. You don’t have the time for a relationship or to even think about starting that side hustle you always dreamed of.
But on the flip side, if you focus on just ONE of these areas and get yourself to a place where you’re really feeling good…
That confidence flows onto everything else.
You know you can do it. You solved a problem that felt almost impossible. Now it’s time to see what else you’re capable of!
So let’s start believing in ourselves, and believing in the brilliant life we’re capable of.
I’ll be supporting you along this journey with a lot more action tips and opportunities, because I, too, am excited about change.
I’ll be testing out some new things this year, and, like always, I encourage you to let me know what you think in the comments!
Let us know what you think!