In the 20th Century:
A woman’s job was to be feminine.
In the 21st Century:
A woman’s job is to be herself.
When I started my career in love advice back in 2005, it seemed so obvious…
Men are attracted to women because women are DIFFERENT to men.
Therefore, if you wanted to attract men, you played up what made you feminine!
I didn’t even question it. I just wrote article after article, assuming it was common sense.
Thank goodness my daughter will never see those old articles. She’d be disgusted with me!
First, for presuming that women cared what men thought.
And second, for presuming that only femininity is attractive!
It’s as ridiculous as claiming that Katherine Hepburn and Audrey Hepburn were unattractive, because men could only be attracted to a Marilyn Monroe. (Really??)
Today, attractiveness comes in every shade of the rainbow. The unpredictability of chemistry may be a result of unconscious factors like how a person smells rather than how they look.
Appearance isn’t everything. The top two most important traits in a partner—for both men AND women—are kindness and intelligence.
All things being equal, we prefer partners who are sweet and smart.
Of course we do! If you’re going to live the rest of your life with someone, you don’t want them to be hard work. You want a partner who’s emotionally generous and interesting to talk to.
So forget about trying to make yourself into a “stereotypical Barbie.” The last thing you want to do is be less of who you are.
Complete the following statement:
I am most attracted to myself when ____________________.
Let us know what you think!