Many of my favorite people are introverts.
We understand one another. We like to sit on the sofa drinking tea and talking about what we’ve read. We go for long walks in nature. We rock up together at parties only to leave a short while later.
All throughout my childhood, I thought something was wrong with me. I only had one close friend at a time. I preferred to read at family gatherings rather than listen to the grown-ups gossip. My mother told me I was “socially immature.”
But I saw things other people passed by. I noticed the beauty in nature. I felt deeply. I reflected on why the world was the way it was. To be honest, I didn’t mind being alone. I felt lonelier in a crowded classroom.
I wish I’d seen the short video below as a teen.
I wouldn’t have allowed people to judge me. Extroversion isn’t a sign of social maturity, any more than introversion is a sign of social immaturity.
If you’re in a relationship with an introvert, or you want to explain to a loved one what it means to be you, then take a minute and a half to watch this together.
Want to Know More?
Then get my Relationship Survival Guide for Introverts:
“How to Love an Introvert … Even if that Introvert is You!“
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