Not every man aspires to be an alpha male.
Some men like to see themselves as a “sigma male.”
Whereas an alpha male sees himself as leader of the pack, sigma males are lone wolves.
They’re the tough, stoic cowboy riding off into the sunset alone.
They don’t dominate. They isolate.
They’re less interested in other people’s lives than their own.
Their own body and mind is a subject of fascination to them. They study biohackers and performance experts. They’re often disciplined, ascetic, and reserved.
Sigma males can come across as successful, intelligent, and appealing, but be careful:
Their avoidant attachment style often makes them frustrating and distant partners.
The term “sigma male” has a dark history. It’s not a valid psychological term. Rather, it was coined as slang in the manosphere, a group that includes incels, redpillers, and MGTOW.
MGTOW stands for Men Going Their Own Way. These men have chosen the solo life. They reject all relationships with women. Why? Because they believe women are toxic.
Unfortunately, men who get caught up in the ideology of sigma males and alpha males often catch contempt for women in the process.
They’re quick to judge any woman as overly emotional, manipulative, and dishonest (!!!).
So, if you are one of those women who finds strong, disciplined, masculine men incredibly appealing, you need to do your homework!
Make sure that his good traits don’t come with a side of covert disrespect for women.
Have a conversation with him about his beliefs. You might ask:
- How do you see women in general?
- Do you think women contribute a lot to society? Are there any ways in which they make society worse?
- What, to you, is the best kind of woman?
- What traits do you find frustrating in women?
- What traits do you value most in me?
Let us know what you think!