In the 20th Century:
Men are only attracted to women living their best life.
In the 21st Century:
Your best life may not leave you with room for anyone else.
I came of age in the 1990s, and all the women’s magazines I devoured told me the same thing:
Live your best life.
If you were living your best life, you wouldn’t need a man…
And because you didn’t need a man to be happy, men would come out of the woodwork.
Were you told that?
I mean, it was a good IDEA.
It just had unintended consequences.
Women got so busy living their best life that they discovered they didn’t really need men.
Marriage rates are dropping, and young women are one of the main causes.
They want to finish their education and get established in their careers before thinking about marriage… just like young men have always done.
Today, men aren’t sure whether women need them.
And they miss the days when they were needed.
Questions to Consider
If you meet a man who’s attracted to the fact that you don’t need him, consider what that might say about him. Does he like knowing you won’t ask too much of him? Does it let him off the hook if you’re both independent people with your own lives?
If you’re in a relationship right now, does being with him make you feel like you’re living your best life? Does he know that?
P.S. I’ve thought for some time we need to reclaim the label of #NeedyWoman. We ALL have needs. Sadly, so many men have been taught that “being a man” requires not needing anyone. Let’s not go down that path! Needing other people is a beautiful thing.
Let us know what you think!