The house is a mess.
Your phone keeps beeping.
You can’t bear to look at your work emails.
And your husband wants to know what’s for dinner tonight. [Read more…] about Rediscover the Joy of Living | Interview with Amy Waterman
Your brilliant life starts now
The house is a mess.
Your phone keeps beeping.
You can’t bear to look at your work emails.
And your husband wants to know what’s for dinner tonight. [Read more…] about Rediscover the Joy of Living | Interview with Amy Waterman
In one of my earliest jobs as a new college grad, I was the tea girl.
Anytime anyone came into the office, I was supposed to wait patiently for the right moment, then discretely ask them whether they’d like a tea or a coffee.
[Read more…] about It’s Time for Men to Stop Helping Women around the House
It’s over.
Your ex deserves every nasty, mean, petty thought you can hurl at him.
How could he DO this? Doesn’t he realize what he’s throwing away? [Read more…] about How to Get Over a Breakup with Millennial Love Expert Samantha Burns
The other day, I was chatting with another mother at a birthday party.
We sat on a bench watching her granddaughter run around with my daughter, gold unicorn horns tied on their heads.
We’d just finished rather large slices of rich chocolate cake. [Read more…] about Is He Depressed? Would You Even Know?
Wouldn’t you love to be in a relationship where he puts YOU first?
Where YOUR happiness is at the heart of everything he does?
Well, now you can. What you want has a name:
Loving female-led relationships. [Read more…] about Loving Female-Led Relationships with Te-Erika Patterson
If you’re struggling in your relationship, nothing makes you feel guiltier for wanting to end it.
You feel guilty for even thinking about leaving. You let guilt and obligation keep you in a relationship that’s no longer fulfilling. [Read more…] about Feeling Too Guilty to Leave Your Relationship?
Which of the following describes you best?
1. You don’t tolerate an unhealthy relationship. You like a balance of time together and time apart. Even though it’s hard to let go when a relationship has run its course, you can do it and bounce back.
[Read more…] about How Your Love Pattern Gets You Into the Wrong Relationships
He’s dropped off the edge of the planet.
No, really.
He’s not answering your texts. His social media has gone silent. You’ve stopped by his apartment and knocked, but no one answers. [Read more…] about Why He Ghosts and Why It’s NOT about You
That headline is completely irresponsible.
No one has a wonderful relationship with their ex.
Not outside of feel-good movies and counseling case studies, anyway. [Read more…] about How to Have a Wonderful Relationship with Your Ex
“You two fight like an old married couple.”
The boy sneered at me, pleased his comment had stopped me in mid-sentence.
My cheeks turned hot. I glanced over at my friend. He was looking at the ground, distancing himself from me [Read more…] about How Much Fighting is Normal in a Relationship?
It’s what men go through in lieu of menopause.
The term was popularized by Lisa Bloch and Kathy Silverman, writers and best friends who noticed that the men in their lives—and the lives of their friends—were changing. [Read more…] about How to Deal with His Midlife Crisis
Wouldn’t it be great if you could read men like a book?
No more guessing what he’s thinking.
No more trying to flush out his true feelings.
Luckily, you have a super-sensitive emotion detector built right into you. [Read more…] about How to Read A Man’s Mind
Trust is such a BIG word.
What does it really mean? How do we gain trust? What happens when we lose it?
Dr. John Gottman, who’s famous for his work with couples, talks about trust being built in the smallest of moments. [Read more…] about 7 Steps to Building Greater Trust in Your Relationship
We are in unchartered waters.
Almost 40% of U.S. working wives earn more than their husbands, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
This is a drastic change from the not-too-distant past, where men were the primary breadwinners in most homes. [Read more…] about Bringing Home the Bacon and Cooking It, Too: When You Make More Than Him
His story doesn’t add up.
His behavior doesn’t line up with his words.
He won’t give you the answer you want or the closure you need.
No one would ever try to connect dots that aren’t on the page [Read more…] about When It’s Time to Stop Trying to Make Sense of Him