So you’re not getting the success you hoped for with online dating.
You’re not getting men visiting your profile. You’re not getting many messages. The messages you do get aren’t high quality.
What are you doing wrong?
I’m sure I’m not the first person you’ve asked this. You’ve probably heard folks tell you there’s something wrong with your profile, you need to invest in better profile pics, you need to sell yourself better.
Other people have told you to be patient, put more time into it, and don’t expect much. The dating scene is too competitive; there are just so many options out there.
Here’s what’s wrong with that advice:
Lowering your expectations and feeling bad about yourself isn’t exactly setting you up for success!
What if someone told you that you weren’t going to be able to get your dream job because you were too old or not attractive enough or had too high of expectations?
We don’t listen to the critics and naysayers when it comes to following our dreams, so why would we pay them any attention when it comes to our love lives?
There’s a really simple reason you’re not getting the results on your online profile, and it has NOTHING to do with not being good enough.
It has to do with what you’re NOT doing.
Imagine you’re starting a new business. You invest a lot of time and energy in designing a logo, putting up a sign, and decorating your shop front to attract customers. Then you sit behind the counter and wait for customers to flood in.
No one comes.
Is it because what you’re selling isn’t good enough? Is it becomes your shop isn’t inviting enough?
It’s because you’re not going out there and getting the attention of your customers. You’re not marketing. People aren’t going to pay attention to you unless you MAKE them pay attention to you.
That’s where your online dating strategy is going wrong.
If you’re not messaging men, then your profile isn’t getting in front of their noses. They’re not seeing you. They’ve got their filters set to something different.
You should be messaging as many men as possible. Start out with a dozen at a time, and work your way up. Message every single man who looks the slightest bit like you might be able to have a decent first date conversation.
To make this easy on you, create a default message you send everyone. This default message should be short and sweet. Don’t stress over it – the only purpose of the message is to get him to look at your profile. It doesn’t really matter what you say in it.
Sending messages puts your profile in front of these guys’ noses. It’s basic marketing. It’s making sure your product gets seen by potential customers.
And it’s a numbers game. You have to market to a LOT of folks before your ideal customer sees you.
So there you have it: the #1 mistake you’re making is not messaging enough men. You need to draw attention to yourself (and a like or a wink isn’t going to do it)!
Let us know what you think!