Between company parties and gatherings with friends, the holidays are a super-fun time to meet someone new.
You might bump into an old flame, or meet the adorable friend of a friend from out of town. You might make like Bridget Jones and find your very own Mr. Darcy at a family get-together.
The beautiful and brilliant thing about being single during the holidays is the sense that magic is in the air and anything can happen.
You’re not stuck in the kitchen cranking out snacks for the guys in the living room yelling at the football.
You’re not sitting in the car on the way to his parents’ house, gearing up for the inevitable questions about when you’re going to start giving them grandchildren.
You’re free. You can do ANYTHING.
And right now, out there at a holiday gathering near you, your ideal guy is sipping a drink and waiting for the moment you walk in that door.
Holiday Survival Tip #1.
Remember that everyone secretly envies you.
One of the most ridiculous myths about the holidays is that the only happy people are the couples.
Apparently all the single women are sitting alone, with no one but their crazy great aunt to talk to, watching enviously as children run around the room high on sugar and excitement.
But, as any mom will tell you, Christmas with children isn’t necessarily fun. It’s work. It’s exhausting! You can’t wait until the holidays are over and you don’t have to deal with the tantrums and the meltdowns and the chaos.
Wives are often stuck preparing meals and organizing get-togethers. They don’t have the option like you do to slip out and escape to the pub! They’re responsible for making sure everyone is having a good time and the fridge is stocked and there’s enough toilet paper for all the guests.
They’re so busy making sure everyone else is having fun that they don’t have time to think about having fun…
Which is why they envy you.
You have a sense of freedom and possibility that they don’t. For you, there’s romance in the air and the unexpected around the corner. Who knows what will happen?
You can invite out that guy you’ve been chatting with online. You can go out this evening and smile at a stranger. You can start chatting with that cute guy next to you in the line at the shop.
Everything is possible for you. Revel in those possibilities.
Holiday Survival Tip #2.
Talk to strangers.
This is one of the few times during the year when it’s easy to talk to strangers.
When it’s not the holidays, people can look at you a bit suspiciously if you try to talk to them out of nowhere.
But during the holidays, there’s a feeling of goodwill and people spreading love and cheer.
So whether you’re at a party or out shopping, keep your eyes open and a smile on your face.
Look for new people to talk to. Don’t just talk to the people you’re with.
Remember, you can hang out with your friends all year long! This is the time to practice starting a conversation with someone you don’t know and not feeling weird about it.
There are so many ready-made conversation topics, too, like can you believe how long this line is, or aren’t you sick and tired of seeing Christmas decorations in the stores when it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, or what do you hope Santa will be putting in your stocking this Christmas.
Don’t just talk to cute male strangers. Talk to anyone! Because you never know who might be watching you.
Some guy across the room could see you chatting with this person and think, “She looks friendly. I’ll go talk to her.”
Holiday Survival Tip #3.
Stand out.
Why did her initial meeting with Mr. Darcy stick in Bridget Jones’ mind?
Because of his ugly Christmas sweater!
This is a time of year when you don’t have to worry about being sexy. You can be sparkly or glittery or even tacky instead!
Have fun with fashion over the holidays. The more fun you have, the more pleasure you bring to those around you—and the more you get noticed.
I love spotting folks with reindeer antler headbands or Santa hats or those Christmas ornament earrings or Christmas light necklaces.
I love seeing glittery makeup and lots of shimmer and gorgeous holiday nails.
And that’s not even getting into the cute holiday t-shirts and faux fur wraps and sparkly dresses!
Take risks that you wouldn’t normally take. It doesn’t matter if you look a bit silly! What matters is that you make people smile.
That’s the best part of the holidays: the silliness, the light-heartedness, and the sense of fun.
And it can be easier to enjoy those things when you’re single, before marriage and children add responsibility and stress.
Someday you might even look back on this time and miss it!
When anything—ANYTHING—can happen.
Hey, you know what a great gift to give yourself this holiday season might be?
You know that I am a broken record where pleasure is concerned. The more we please ourselves, the more we attract good things into our life. A man cannot resist a woman who’s enjoying herself thoroughly!
So savor every moment, and if you want to keep that habit of pleasure throughout the year, then grab your copy of my book The Pleasure Principle.
You’ll learn how to create your own pleasure roadmap and train yourself to choose the kind of pleasure that makes you feel incredibly alive. It’s all right here.
Let us know what you think!