In the 20th Century:
The dating pool is a marketplace.
In the 21st Century:
The dating pool is an ocean.
Back in the day, dating was a marketplace, and everyone had a value.
We knew exactly where we stood. If we wanted to improve our chances in the marketplace, we had to increase our value by becoming more attractive, confident, and fascinating.
The formula was clear: if you wanted the floodgates of male attention to open, you had to become “high value.”
Thank goodness we’re in the 21st century now!
And that old marketplace theory no longer holds water.
Today, dating apps offer a virtual ocean of partners. We’re no longer looking for a “good match.” We want to find our soulmate—the one person out there who gets us (and who’s crazy in all the same ways we are!).
Conventional measures of attraction are next to USELESS when it comes to spotting a soulmate.
Soulmates tend to surprise you. They rarely look the way you think they’ll look.
You recognize them by their soul energy—an energetic vibration that hums in tune with your own.
So how do you find your soulmate in a sea of singles?
You stand out.
You embrace ALL the things that make you quirky. You wave your freak flag! You refuse to apologize for who you are and what you like.
You don’t mind if most men find that a turn-off, because you don’t care what most men think.
All you’re concerned with is the opinion of ONE man—and when that man sees you, he’ll recognize you instantly.
So ignore those discouraging voices telling you that no one man would ever want you. Push aside the pressure to conform to narrow beauty standards perpetuated by profit-driven corporations.
Set your sights on soulmate love.
Questions to consider:
- What parts of yourself make you embarrassed?
- What would it take to turn them from embarrassments into your superpower?
P.S. Want to find YOUR soulmate? Get all your soulmate questions answered with this in-depth guide!
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