It seems like attracting men is so much WORK.
There are all of these things you have to do.
You have to wear makeup and do your hair and work out and put on sexy clothes and know what to say and not be too available…
Seriously, is ANY guy worth all that??
Especially when you can attract men just by being YOU…
That wonderful, warm, happy woman that your friends know and love.
Just by being a woman, you already have all the skills you need to attract great guys. No hustle required!
Keep reading to discover 4 feminine signals that men can’t help but respond to.
Feminine Signal #1.
Ever been nice to a guy and then realized, to your horror, that he thought you were hitting on him?
Yep, been there!
In fact, for a BIG stretch in my life, I became really cautious around men I didn’t know. I needed to make sure he wouldn’t get the wrong idea before I could feel free to be my usual warm friendly self.
Study after study shows that this experience is universal:
Men tend to interpret a woman’s friendliness as a sign of sexual interest.
It’s crazy to think that just being nice to a guy is enough to make him think you’re interested in him.
Because we women have the opposite experience.
Women tend to interpret a man’s signs of sexual interest as friendliness.
So women think they surrounded by all these nice male friends…
And men think they’re surrounded by flirtatious women who pretend they don’t know they’re flirting.
Talk about miscommunication!
Feminine Signal #2.
The Gaze-Hide-Glance Technique
From the dawn of human history, our female ancestors knew exactly how to attract the attention of the men they desired.
They used the gaze-hide-glance technique.
This technique only became public knowledge in the 1980s, after two researches—Timothy Perper and David Givens—spent hundreds of hours in singles bars documenting exactly what happens when a man and a woman flirt and fall for each other.
What they found was that women made the first move two-thirds of the time. Yes, the WOMEN!
Here’s how these women did it.
You spot a man you like the look of. You want to invite him to come over and talk to you. So this is what you do.
You keep gazing over at him until he looks over and sees you back. Trust me: he’ll know you’re looking at him. Even if he doesn’t notice, one of his friends will see you and nudge him.
Then, as soon as he looks back at you and you lock eyes, you smile and immediately hide your face. You glance away or giggle; maybe you cover your face with your hands.
Then, after a few beats, you quickly glance back at him to see if he’s still looking.
Gaze… Hide… Glance.
Try it. It works!
Feminine Signal #3.
Gender Talk
Gender talk draws attention to the fact that he’s a guy and you’re a girl.
You might say, “You’re the man; you need to do this.”
Or you might say, “I want that one; that’s the girl color.”
When you emphasize the fact that you’re the opposite sex, it triggers something in his caveman brain. “Me man. You woman.”
Even though you’re not saying anything flirtatious at all, it makes him think about you differently.
Feminine Signal #4.
There’s a reason I wrote a whole book on pleasure. It is the greatest aphrodisiac known to humankind.
A woman’s pleasure—even if it’s just the pleasure she’s taking in great food, or a beautiful view, or excellent company—is a HUGE turn-on for men.
That’s right:
Even if a man has NOTHING to do with the pleasure you’re experiencing, seeing your pleasure will put a smile on his face and thoughts in his mind that weren’t there before.
So enjoy yourself.
Slow down, savor the moment, and breathe it in.
You’re doing it for you. You’re not doing it for him.
But turning him on is a nice side effect. 🙂
Let us know what you think!