Do you take up too much space?
Do you laugh too loudly or speak up when you’re supposed to stay quiet?
Do you want too much? Have people told you that you’re aiming for disappointment?
Then congratulations! You’re invited to join the Sexy Brilliant Global Revolution.
Devina Kaur is the founder of Sexy Brilliant and a spokesperson for all women who’ve been told they’re too fat, too loud, or too ambitious.
She wants you to know that you don’t need other people to approve of you. You just need to love yourself and embrace your brilliance.
In this week’s YBTV interview, Devina shares personal stories that will touch your heart. As a divorced single mom, she felt unlovable until she discovered an affirmation that changed her life. Today, she teaches that affirmation to others as a stepping stone on their journey to self-love and empowerment.
Join the Sexy Brilliant Global Revolution
What You’ll Learn
Sexy is a state of mind. Sexy is daring. Sexy is confidence, and confidence comes from inner knowledge, how well we know ourselves and our gifts.”
Devina Kaur’s life is the stuff of movies.
She grew up in India, where she was expected to marry a man chosen by her parents. She moved to Canada, where she had a successful career in the finance industry before realizing she was miserable. She quit it all to become a dog walker. From there, television came calling. Today she’s the founder of Sexy Brilliant, a global movement to empower men and women.
She’s had many ups and downs along the way. Her arranged marriage ended in her 30s, leaving her a single mom. She wasn’t able to live up to the example of her own parents, whose arranged marriage was still going strong nearly 50 years later. “They met for the first time at their engagement party,” Devina says. “They’re still married, and they’re very much in love.”
After her divorce, Devina spiraled into dating addiction, using sites like Craigslist to stem the feeling of being unlovable.
But that time in her life would prove to be her greatest teacher. “Anytime somebody would message me and ask me, ‘How are you?’ I would always answer, ‘Always sexy, always brilliant,’” Devina says. “I felt unworthy of love, and the more I said, ‘I am sexy, I am brilliant,’ the more I believed it.”
It was the beginning of her transition to finding validation on the inside. “For me—and for many of us—our validation comes from the outside,” she explains. “Our validation is social media likes. Our validation is the people who love us or how much money make we make.”
Yet today she knows that “I’m still worthy of love, no matter what no matter what size I am, no matter how much money I make, no matter what the outside circumstances are.”
It was a lesson that would change her life.
For most of her life, Devina felt she was too fat, too loud, and too ambitious. She grew up seeing that a woman’s identity came from her role as a wife and mother. If a woman dared to remain single or not have children, she no longer fit in.
Even today, women are judged by their relationships and discouraged from standing out, “because how dare we overtake our men? How dare we want the spotlight? Whether that’s business, whether that’s going on Hollywood television, or whether that’s even becoming a CEO of a company. We women are treated as second-class citizens, and we must ask ourselves, ‘Why is this still happening?'”
A woman who is loud, who’s ambitious, is a threat—and that makes people uncomfortable.”
Appearance is another way women are judged.
“We spend so much time looking at our screens, and we start to think that looking attractive on screen [is] our goal … and if we’re not looking hot on the screen, then we must not be worthwhile,” she says.
“But what I love about Sexy Brilliant is: it’s a state of mind. It’s a feeling. It’s not anything on the outside. It’s shining from the inside. It’s empowerment from the inside.”
As Devina has grown her Sexy Brilliant empire to include courses and products as well as a strong social media presence, she’s quick to correct the perception that her work is addressed solely to women.
“We want to empower men and give them space to be authentic, give them space to be vulnerable, give them space to be real,” she says. “Empowerment is about uplifting each other, and Sexy Brilliant is a movement for people of all genders. As a woman rises, the male rises.”
Next in Devina’s journey is her first book: Too Fat, Too Loud, Too Ambitious, now available on Amazon.
“It’s the first in the Sexy Brilliant series, and it is about empowerment from the inside out,” she says. In it, she shares juicy stories about her life. She calls it “possibly the world’s first ever x-rated self-help book.”
To join the Sexy Brilliant Global Revolution, visit Sexy Brilliant.
You can also search for #SexyBrilliant on social media.
Everything that you need is already within you. You are full of divine light and knowledge. We just have to mindfully get out of our own ways.”
Jump to Topics of Interest
1:46 From a successful finance career to dog walking
3:23 Arranged marriage
5:07 Social pressures on women
6:33 Empowerment
7:01 How Devina came up with “Sexy Brilliant”
9:00 The power of sexy
9:40 Validation for our children and ourselves
12:09 Breaking the taboo around sex
13:35 Are men intimidated by successful women?
14:48 Lifting men up
17:05 Devina’s book Too Fat, Too Loud, Too Ambitious
18:35 The power lies within you

Devina Kaur
Devina is a fun-loving, flamboyant, straight-talking author, entrepreneur, filmmaker and inspirational speaker. After a lifetime of being told she was too fat, too loud and too ambitious, her world fell apart in her 30s when her arranged marriage ended. While looking for purpose and meaning, Devina embarked on a journey of self-discovery that led her to start the Sexy Brilliant Global Revolution.
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