A bad breakup can make you challenge everything you thought you knew.
Your own self-worth. Your future. Whether you’ll ever find love again.
Love coach Jamie Trost knows this from experience. She went through some epic breakups and lived to tell the tale. Now she helps women break through the patterns holding them back and manifest their hearts’ desire.
In this YBTV interview, she challenges you to make a decision.
Are you ready to do whatever it takes to heal your heart and attract the right relationship?
Jamie’s 8-week Love Energy course
What You’ll Learn
Jamie Trost was no stranger to bad breakups.
She endured 12 years of relationships that started well only to end badly. She even had her wedding called off 13 days before it was supposed to happen. She had no job, no home, and a 3-month-old baby.
That was the final straw. Jamie got serious about what it was going to take to uproot her old patterns and create the love she was looking for.
“Everybody starts with a decision,” she explains. “You have to decide. When enough is enough, you’ll know. And you’ll say, ‘Okay, I’d do anything.'”
With the help of a coach, she began to unpack her love patterns. She discovered she could look at all her relationships and connect what was happening to her childhood.
“Our subconscious programming is 95% of everything,” she says, “so we’re doing all this without having even thought about it.”
Your subconscious programming is influenced by your parents, siblings, teachers, even the culture around you. You pick up messages about what love is and what relationships should look like without realizing it.
To heal your love life, your job is to identify what beliefs are holding you back and reprogram yourself.
Once you change how you view things, your whole life changes.”
This year, Jamie will marry the best man she ever met. She attributes her “luck in love” to getting clear on her intentions and doing the work to manifest her dreams.
She now coaches women through breakups. “When people say, ‘Love is impossible’ … it breaks my heart,” she says, “because I remember being there. I remember being so devastated and not being able to look beyond the breakup.”
She offers an 8-week coaching program that helps women overcome any subconscious programming holding them back and create the life and love they truly want.
One of the biggest shifts she teaches is the shift from self-sacrifice to selfishness.
“The word ‘selfish’ has such a negative association with it,” she explains, “but it’s actually a really positive thing.”
So many women give too much in their relationships. They end up draining themselves. “We’re constantly giving away more of ourselves than we can,” Jamie says.
Instead of complaining about men being selfish or looking for a partner with no needs, a better solution is to fill yourself up. Be a little selfish. Make yourself a priority. Give yourself what you always wished someone else would give you.
“No one could love me until I decided that this is how I am going to be loved,” Jamie says. “I am going to love myself.”
Are you ready to love you?
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02:45 How Jamie went through her own personal relationship hell
04:56 How Jamie got through her own breakups
06:25 Why we repeat the same patterns over and over again in relationships
08:10 The power of subconscious programming
10:14 Overcoming pattern of self-sacrifice with self-care
13:38 If you don’t fill yourself, he may not feel fulfilled in the relationship either
15:00 How to break the negative association of being selfish
16:07 Jamie’s 8-week coaching program
18:25 Jamie’s favorite quote

About Jamie Trost
Jamie is a love coach who teaches The Art of Mastering Love. She helps women recover from a lost love, find new love, or fix their current love so they can live a fulfilling, joyful and healthy life. She offers an 8-week Love Energy course that takes women from broken, lost and hurt to whole, healed and happy. Find out more.
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