I would like to say that the hardest part of quarantine for my daughter has been missing her friends and teachers.
No, she tells me. The hardest part is staying home with me.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, stuck with someone who’s always telling you what to do.
Even worse, all of the fun things are off-limits. No going to the trampoline park. No playing with other kids at the playground. Not even biking in the woods (our state parks are closed).
We’re trying to figure this out. It’s not easy.
So I asked my daughter to think of advice she’d give other kids in her shoes.
This is what she wrote…
How to Survive Staying Home with Your Parents
by a 3rd grader
Do you know how hard it is to stay home in the house for a month and a half?
It is so hard!
Here are a few ways to survive staying home.
1. Stay Tidy
Staying tidy can be really annoying. But unfortunately, you still have to do it. Here’s how:
Have your desk area sorted out early.
Having your desk area sorted out is good because when the first day of school comes, or if you made a mess on it the day before, you will have to stress out about getting it clean and tidy so you can actually work there.
Also, it’s a good habit to get into.
2. Don’t Get Mad at Each Other
Getting mad at your mom and her getting mad at you is really hard.
Here’s a way not to get mad at each other:
Don’t stay in bed.
I know, this might sound stupid! But actually, staying in bed makes it more likely to argue with your mom.
I bet you’re asking, “What? But how?”
The reason that’s the case is because when you stay in bed for too long, you get used to just sticking in bed and relaxing.
Then, when your mom comes in and asks you to do something simple like doing the dishes, you make a big fuss about it.
Now, don’t worry. It’s not your fault that you made a fuss! It’s because your parents let you stay in the bedroom for too long.
3. Stay Busy
When you get sick or one of your parents gets sick, I know it can be hard.
But when you or your parent gets sick, you still have to do something, even if you don’t feel like it’s a good idea to.
Do your schoolwork, but just what you feel like doing.
And if your parent is sick and you have to take care of them, I suggest you use the skills that your parent(s) taught you or have them teach you some stuff.
I hope these things really help you survive staying home! Bye!
Let us know what you think!