Life is such hard work.
You put in the hours. You make the sacrifices. You put your needs last.
You do it because that’s what you think you’re supposed to do. That’s the road to success. When you work harder than everyone, people notice you, and you get rewarded with love, promotions, and happiness.
Except maybe that hasn’t happened for you yet.
You’re still working. You’re getting more and more tired. You’re waiting for the payoff, the promise of the good life you’d earned.
When will you finally feel like you’ve made it?
Lisbeth Overton was still waiting.
She’d been a registered nurse for decades. She’d had an incredible career. Yet she still didn’t feel fulfilled. Wasn’t this supposed to be it? Why didn’t she feel the way she thought she would feel?
In this week’s YBTV interview, Lisbeth shares the spiritual awakening that changed her life. She left behind her career and struck out in a new direction. Today, she’s never felt more supported and guided by the universe.
You’ll discover the four steps to releasing limiting beliefs and inviting in abundance. You’ll learn what it means to be “spiritually wealthy” and how to connect to your higher self.
And you’ll learn what it takes to take a leap of faith and soar.
What You’ll Learn
Lisbeth Overton was a registered nurse for 22 years.
Her training taught her to have everything mapped out. She had Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C.
Then, last December, she did something she’d never done before.
She took a wild leap of faith into the unknown.
Moment of Awakening
It all began years ago, when Lisbeth was at her favorite lake.
She was wondering how she was ever going to be successful if she wasn’t creative. She didn’t think of herself as a creative person at all.
Then she heard a message:
“Lisbeth, you need to create an oracle deck called Divine Downloads, channeled wisdom from your soul.”
She looked around. “Who said that?”
No one was there.
Then she realized, “OMG, this is coming from me. This is my higher self.”
Even so, she wasn’t convinced.
She wasn’t creative. How was she going to create a card deck?
Over the next two months, she continued visiting the lake and receiving guidance, even as part of her kept saying, “Who are you? No one is going to want this. What are you doing?”
As she worked on the words and affirmations for the deck, she realized, “I actually am creative!”
She remembered how she’d get ideas that excited her, only to drop them and move on to the next.
When she finally finished the deck, she felt like a kid in a candy store. She was so proud of herself.
She began sharing it with others, and a few weeks later, she knew her next task.
She was going to create a podcast of the same name.
The “Divine Downloads” podcast launched in January 2019 and ran for 78 episodes. Then Lisbeth followed her guidance and launched a new podcast, “The Spiritually Savvy Nurse.”
She was realizing that she could trust the guidance she was being given.
It was time for her next leap.
Into spiritual entrepreneurship.
Leap of Faith
“I really believe that we don’t know what we’re fully capable of until we actually give ourselves the opportunity to to do it,” Lisbeth says.
Since she was four years old, she’d had a vision that she wanted to be an inspirational speaker and a coach for women.
“When your soul implants something … in your heart, if you continue to resist it, if you continue to ignore it, it will wreak havoc in your life in so many ways,” she says.
She’d had an incredible career as a nurse, but she didn’t feel fulfilled. She was afraid of what might happen if she stepped away from what she knew.
“Before I had this connection at the lake, I didn’t trust. I didn’t believe that abundance was possible in the way that I saw it. I doubted everything,” she says.
Leaving her career behind would take faith, “immense amounts of faith,” to counteract the resistance that kept her in fear, doubt, and anxiety.
But finally, last December, she was ready.
She launched her business, offering Spiritually Wealthy Women retreats (now 100% online) for women curious about the relationship between spirituality and money. She saw it as an expansion of her nursing role, as a “caretaker of the human spirit.”
The Spiritually Wealthy Woman
“To me, ‘spiritually wealthy’ means [that] you have this innate sense, this innate connection with your higher self,” Lisbeth says.
Your higher self is the “10,000-foot view of you that has no fear, no ego, is all knowing, all loving, all compassionate.”
When you’re connected to your higher self, you’re attuned to the frequency of abundance and wealth. You can tap into a well of infinite resources for anything that you could possible want to manifest.
But many of us are blocked from that abundance because of beliefs that aren’t serving us.
For example, Lisbeth grew up believing in God and something bigger than herself, but she never felt supported in the way she feels now. She learned how to pray, but not how to listen.
Listening to your higher self takes practice.
Lisbeth teaches the process in her retreats. It starts with this:
“First of all, you have to decide that you want things to be different than they are,” she says.
Second, you have to become aware of limiting beliefs and self-sabotage.
“Awareness is always the first step to any type of behavior change,” she says. “If you don’t understand or recognize that there’s a problem, then there’s no way you can leverage it, maximize it, change it.”
Next, when you catch yourself thinking something that doesn’t serve you, like, “I never win anything,” or “I’m so unlucky,” you let it go without judgment.
Finally, you start to reframe those thoughts.
For example, you can tell yourself:
Up until now, I’ve always believed that I’m so unlucky, and now I’m deciding to choose to believe that I am so lucky, and I’m so resourceful, and that when I’m open, all the things that I need will come to me….”
Support on Your Journey
That mindset shift takes time.
“It’s a process,” Lisbeth says. “This doesn’t happen in 10 minutes. It’s a journey, and it’s about grace and compassion.”
If you would like support in making that shift, join Lisbeth’s next Spiritually Wealthy Woman retreat, or pick up her oracle card deck.
You can learn about all of those resources at Lisbeth’s website.
The same support Lisbeth found in her own heart is available to you.
I want you to understand in every ounce of your being that you absolutely are supported—even and especially when you’re having the dark night of the soul… Start to look for the evidence that you’re supported, and and watch the magic unfold.”

Lisbeth Overton
Lisbeth is a registered nurse turned spiritual entrepreneur. She is the podcast host of The Spiritually Savvy Nurse, creator of the Divine Downloads Oracle Deck, and is a Spiritually Wealthy Woman Retreat Facilitator. Lisbeth is on a mission to guide women back to their spiritual nature through a deeper relationship with their higher selves.
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