Wouldn’t it be great to know if he’s into you from the get-go…
So you don’t have to waste time flirting?
It’s embarrassing to make an effort with a guy who’s already decided he’s not interested.
That’s why there are so many body language guides, like “22 Body Language Signs That Guarantee He’s Into You” or “46 Male Body Language Signs He Likes You.”
But really?
You don’t want to sit there and see if his feet are pointed towards you, or if his pupils are dilated, or if he’s mirroring your body language.
You just want ONE tell-tale sign that you’re not wasting your time.
Luckily, researchers from the University of Sussex have your back.
Researchers have long known that the way people speak changes when they’re flirting.
But a study published at the end of last year finally decided the matter once and for all.[1]
Ladies, if you want to know if he thinks you’re a catch, then pay attention to this:
His vocal tone.
Men who are interested in you will speak in a deeper voice.
They’re not consciously trying to be more masculine, but that’s most certainly what they’re conveying. Deep voices are sexy. They’re more intimate. They shift the feeling of the conversation.
That wasn’t all researchers discovered.
In the past, it was believed that women spoke in a higher-pitched voice around men they were interested in, unconsciously boosting their feminine appeal.
But this study found that women who do the opposite are more appealing to men.
When a woman knows that the man she’s chatting with is highly desirable, she sets herself apart by lowering her voice. This quiet, more intimate tone has a powerful effect. He perceives her as more attractive.
This little trick could help you in business, too. Jeff Haden, contributing editor of Inc., has found that people drop their vocal tone when they’re seriously considering your offer.[2]
So the next time you’re out on a date, pay attention to vocal tone—both yours AND his.
A deeper tone mean he’s trying to impress you, while lowering your voice ratchets up your sex appeal.
[1] https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2018.1634
[2] https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/want-to-know-if-someone-is-attracted-to-you-this-is-how-their-voice-changes.html
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