You may have noticed something about us at Your Brilliance…
We’re kind of a broken record on self-care.
Taking care of yourself.
Speaking kindly to yourself.
Doing what you need to do to feel good—even if it doesn’t benefit anyone else.
Why do we harp on about it?
Why is it so important?
Because it just so happens that our mission DEPENDS on it.
Our mission here at Your Brilliance is to help you shine your most brilliant light.
That doesn’t mean going heavy on the bling, strobing, or shimmery outfits. 😉
It means glowing from the INSIDE.
You know when you’re shining. You feel a glow inside that keeps you warm.
That inner light is all yours. Nothing can snuff it out. Not weariness, not criticism, not being alone.
It’s up to YOU to tend that flame. No one else can do it for you.
It can seem selfish, looking after yourself when there’s so much else to do.
Often, the things you need to do to tend your flame aren’t convenient. They don’t fit in with other people’s plans. They’re not the “done thing.”
You wish you could silence those yearnings, but they sing to you even when you plug your ears.
Maybe you dream of going on a yoga retreat or just lying in bed with your eyes closed, wrapped in the cool darkness.
Maybe you just HAVE to dance like a wild woman to “Despacito” or get your hands sticky with sculpting clay.
Maybe what you crave is time off from life.
Time to be alone and think.
It’s easy to push those yearnings down. They’re impractical. They cost money. You don’t have the time. You’re not “that kind” of woman.
Yet there’s that quote from Marianne Williamson, the one that seems to pop up everywhere:
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? … Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”
Is that even possible for you?
With your life as it is, with everything that’s happened to you, with all the mistakes and disappointments … can you still shine “as children do”?
But it takes courage.
Courage to change.
You can’t get somewhere new by driving down the same old road.
And the “same old road” most of us have been driving down is the road of hard work and heartache.
It’s a road that’s been mapped out for us. Not giving us any choice.
We have to follow the rules. We have to do things right. We have to listen to everyone else. We have to succeed.
Yet … have you ever noticed?
No matter how hard you work, there is still more work to be done.
No matter what you achieve, there is still more to pursue.
No matter how carefully you follow the rules, you always end up failing at something.
That’s not a recipe for shining as children do.
It’s a recipe for exhaustion.
It’s time to stop living your life to benefit everyone around you.
It’s time to stop waiting for THEM to tell YOU when you’ve made it.
They never will.
In fact, it’s to their advantage to keep you feeling inadequate.
Because feeling like you’re not enough makes you work harder.
You do more and more to PROVE to others that you’re a good, kind, worthy person.
And people LOVE that. You’ll drop everything for them. You’re always available. You never say no.
Of course they don’t want you to change!
They LIKE the Old You. They know where they stand with the Old You. They don’t want to lose the woman they rely on.
The New You might ask more of them.
The New You might say no.
The New You might upset the apple cart.
But isn’t she worth it?
For some of you, doing what it takes to feed your inner flame means taking a risk.
You might lose your tribe.
But you stand to gain so much more.
A new tribe. A new sense of self. Freedom and spaciousness you’ve never felt before.
So what is it you crave?
What does joy feel like to you?
When your life flows effortlessly, when everything is working perfectly, what conditions are in place to support you?
Do you have mentors?
Are you surrounded by inspiration?
Is it positive vibes only?
Then create those conditions now.
Don’t get distracted by what a perfect life is SUPPOSED to look like.
Focus on what YOUR perfect life FEELS like.
Throw out what makes you feel inadequate and keep what makes you feel inspired.
That’s where we’d like to help.
We founded Your Brilliance with a burning desire to go BEYOND typical self-help lists.
Like “5 Ways to Hook a Man” or “12 Things You Should Do Before 40.”
As if you need more things on your plate!
Instead, we’re here to inspire you. Inform you. Give you food for thought.
This is your one and only precious life.
Do what you need to shine.
Let us know what you think!