So he’s really nice and all…
But you’re just not SURE.
You’ve got a few butterflies, but you’re not obsessed. Being with him is less like a steamy tropical affair and more like sliding into a warm bath.
You know you’re ready for your forever love when the appeal of hot baths beats a hot love affair. A passionate weekend together doesn’t guarantee you a lifetime together. And that’s what you want. Forever, not just today.
How do you know if he’s got what it takes to comfort you, inspire you, and build a life with you?
Look for these 3 signs.
Sign #1. He’s Got Awesome Role Models
When you ask a guy, “Who do you admire most?” and he answers, “No one,” you’ve got a problem on your hands.
In a world full of so amazing people, he can’t find anyone to impress him? Either he’s got impossible standards … or no aspirations.
A guy who can name three people he looks up to is a guy with goals and values. He appreciates people. He admires people. He learns from people.
That’s the kind of guy who’s going to grow along with you.
Sign #2. He Accepts Your Influence
Ladies, you don’t want an alpha male. You don’t want the kind of guy who has to be THE MAN in the relationship. Why? Because research has shown, again and again, that rigid gender roles and power imbalances kill long-term relationships.
Dominant guys are only sexy in the short term. They’re hell to live with.
You want a guy who’s willing to listen to you and take your views into consideration, in exactly the same way you listen to him and take his views into consideration. You want a guy who’s flexible and doesn’t let gender stop him from taking on a task.
Sign #3. He Can Handle Emotions
The real catch in the 21st century is an emotionally intelligent guy.
A guy who can handle the fact that you have emotions … and that HE has emotions, too!
I’m not talking about nice guys who hold your hand and listen all night long. I’m talking about real men who recognize that relationships are messy, growth is uncomfortable, and both of you are going to get mad at each other at times.
These are men who can REALLY not like you at this moment but never stop loving you. They’re okay when things get difficult. They don’t stuff their feelings, and they don’t expect you to, either.
If you find a guy with all of these traits, give me his number, yeah? Because you might just have spotted the world’s perfect guy.
Let us know what you think!