Imagine meeting the man you’re going to spend the rest of your life with.
The next few weeks are like every romantic movie you’ve ever dreamed of. Long walks along the beach, lingering over coffee at fancy restaurants, conversations that open your heart and spill it at his feet. This is the one. You just know it.
And when, six months later, he proposes to you, you cry. Because it’s everything you dreamed of as a little girl. He’s nervous and awkward and clutching the ring so hard his hand trembles. You call your mother. She screams in joy, then immediately asks you what kind of wedding you want.
Wedding venues. Picking out a dress. Sampling cakes. He lets you decide on everything. You’re swimming in a sea of bliss.
Then the big day arrives…
Meet Jay Shetty
Even at your best, you will never be right for the wrong person.”
If you’ve never seen any of Jay Shetty’s videos, you’re in for a treat.
He’s a former monk who has dedicated his life to “making wisdom go viral.”
As a boy in London, he was bullied for being nerdy and overweight. After losing two of his best friends when he was 16, he wanted to find deeper meaning in his life. So, at 22, he went to India and Europe to live as a monk for three years.
When he returned to London, he found himself invited to speak at corporate events on mindfulness and personal growth. Ariana Huffington of The Huffington Post noticed his videos and invited him to come to New York.
Today, he’s a motivational speaker who inspires millions with his videos on relationships, compassion, gratitude, and humanity.
I love this video … and I hope you love it, too!
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