Nothing makes you doubt yourself more than a breakup.
Even if it was his fault—because he’s a jerk and didn’t appreciate you—you can’t stop yourself from feeling bad. Why do you always end up in this mess? Why does your heart always end up broken?
Veronica Isles has been in your shoes. Every time a relationship ended, she thought it was her. She was doomed to be unlucky in love.
Then she discovered a system that completely changed her love life forever.
In this week’s YBTV interview, Veronica leads you through the steps she used to get her ex back. You’ll also learn about her free 25-day challenge to transform yourself from heartbroken to healthy, happy and irresistible. Your ex won’t know what hit him!
How To Get Your Ex Back in 25 Days
What You’ll Learn
Veronica Isles was unlucky in love. “I always seemed to run into relationships where the guy would be amazing at first and everything would be going great,” she says, “then it would just collapse.”
It took a really bad breakup for her to wake up to the fact that the problem wasn’t her luck…
It was her belief system.
She discovered she had an underlying belief that “someone would tire of me, or not really love the real me.”
When things are going really well, you tend to pour your heart into this other person. You lose yourself a bit and become really afraid that they’re going leave, that it’s going to end, that it’s going to collapse … and it does. It always did for me until I learned why this was happening and how to fix it. Then I empowered myself, and I’ve never looked back.”
In an odd way, she owes a lot to her ex.
She was heartbroken when they broke up. She was “crying, not eating, not taking showers, just moping around in bed.” She couldn’t figure out why this kept happening to her.
That’s when she learned about the Law of Attraction.
Law of Attraction Coaching
“The Law of Attraction is basically this idea that your thoughts and feelings are creating your tomorrows,” Veronica explains.
She became more conscious of the thoughts she was focusing on and the energy she was putting out. As she practiced what she was learning, she was startled to discover how well it worked. She got her ex back!
“That’s how I developed this whole system of helping people,” she says. “I realized, ‘Wow, look what I did in my own life! Look at how bad the breakup was. And yet I got him back.'”
That was just the beginning.
Veronica has transformed her entire life with the Law of Attraction. She lost 150 pounds, bought her dream house last summer, and now travels the world. “That was something I was never able to do, and I finally manifested that,” she says. “It’s so exciting.”
She credits positive thinking and determination to her success. What’s important is “being able to see new possibilities, instead of getting stuck into the worst possible outcome.”
She adds, “You may not know how you’re going to get to that place [of success and happiness], but recognizing that the possibility exists will help you get there.”
Did You Manifest Your Breakup?
If our thoughts and feelings of today create our tomorrows, does that mean we’re responsible for everything that happens to us – including those yucky breakups?
“You have to really take accountability towards what you were thinking, what you were feeling … and a lot of times people don’t put the pieces together,” Veronica says.
“We develop these core beliefs that life is going to be painful, that love can be painful as well, that life doesn’t always support you, or that bad things happen.”
But using the Law of Attraction helps you “redirect those beliefs towards empowerment, towards feeling that you can be lucky in love. You can be happy in love; it doesn’t have to hurt. You can have the relationship that everyone else is jealous of.”
How to Get Him Back
Most of us can’t stop thinking about a breakup in the first few days or weeks after it happened. We rehash what he said, what we said, what went wrong, how it could have been different.
Veronica doesn’t want you to do that.
She wants you to change your thoughts.
“You need to give the other person space,” she says, “and you need to imagine that that person is regretting it: that is, realizing that this breakup was a mistake, as opposed to being happy to move on from you.”
She goes on to say that “a lot of times people are crying because they assume the other person wants nothing to do with them.” They worry that their ex hates them or can’t wait to start a new life without them.
But the breakup can’t erase all the history you shared. Just as you miss the good times you had with your ex, so he’s going to miss those good times, too. You need to believe that your ex is missing you, just as you’re missing him.
That doesn’t mean you should contact your ex or stalk him on social media, though. “Just give it room to breathe,” Veronica says. “It’s about finding that right balance of fantasizing about it, seeing it as possible, but then also letting it go.”
Find Yourself Again
You also want to find yourself again.
Chances are, you’ve changed since you’ve been with him. You’re no longer the person you were when you first met.
Can you get back in touch with your old self?
What hobbies have you let slide since you got into the relationship? What goals have you neglected because they didn’t include him?
“Hang out with your friends again,” Veronica says. “Don’t be afraid to go out. Don’t be afraid to have a social life.”
She adds, “You don’t want to lose your independence, because that’s the person he fell in love with.”
Even though you’d prefer to be with him, “you need to know how to be happy with yourself, just doing your own thing.”
One of the advantages of leaning into your solo life is that you have a chance to think about the relationship more objectively. Was it really as good as you thought it was at the time?
You want to really think about it in terms of, ‘Who is best for me?’ You don’t want to get back with him just because your ego is bruised.”
You’ve got the freedom now to consider other options, and you should.
“You want to feel like you can have the most awesome man in the world,” Veronica says. Ask yourself, “Does he fit my needs? Was HE good enough for ME?”
You want to feel “like you could have him back, no matter what. That isn’t the question. [The question is], ‘Do I want him back, or would I prefer someone better?’ Because you have the option.”
Take the Challenge
To help you shift your mindset, Veronica offers a free Get Your Ex Back in 25 Days Challenge.
“It’s about reclaiming your life [and] reclaiming your happiness,” she says. “I have an accompanying book that also goes with it. Basically, it’s visualizations, it’s activities … just learning how to love life again … because reclaiming that joy is what’s going to attract him back faster.”
She gets daily emails from people for whom the challenge has helped. “It’s helped people who have been broken up recently; it’s helped people who have been broken up for years.”
The challenge helps you heal the thoughts and beliefs that got you to this place, so that, when he comes back, you can start a new relationship with him on a more solid foundation.
You want to approach it in a new way. You know more, you’ve learned more, you’ve evolved, you’ve grown. You don’t resent the breakup. It gave you the ability to rediscover yourself in ways you wouldn’t have known before, and you can bring so much more to the relationship now. So it’s going to be a much better relationship.”
For a more in-depth look at the system Veronica used to get her ex back, check out her How To Get Your Ex Back in 25 Days e-book and accompanying workbook.
“You have the creative ability to transform your world,” Veronica says. “Just know that all possibilities exist and latch onto that hope.”
Jump to Topics of Interest
2:00 Why Veronica has always felt unlucky in love
3:14 The power of positive thinking
3:53 The breakup that inspired Veronica to study the Law of Attraction
5:05 What is the Law of Attraction?
5:58 How we manifest breakups
7:18 Can you fantasize too much?
8:55 What you should do after a breakup
9:57 What you shouldn’t do after a breakup
11:43 How to get back the old you
12:34 Learning to be happy with yourself again
12:59 Are there some relationships that shouldn’t be saved?
13:55 Is this the best you can do?
14:37 Veronica’s Get Your Ex Back in 25 Days Challenge
15:32 Giving your relationship a fresh start
16:21 Get Your Ex Back Challenge success stories
17:39 Veronica’s Law of Attraction coaching

Veronica Isles
Veronica Isles is a 40-something life coach based in the Chicago area. She was always very unlucky in love, and she transformed her life with the use of positive thinking, mindful living and the Law of Attraction. She specializes in healing relationships, especially in attracting an ex or a specific person, but also coaches in all areas of life. After successfully losing 150 lbs in 2002, she does weight loss coaching and inspiration as well. Find out more about her books and personal coaching.
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