You’ve really enjoyed meeting this guy, and you want to see him again.
But all the dating advice you’ve read tells you that you can’t do anything. You’ve got to wait for HIM to contact you. You have to be the passive princess waiting in the tower for your prince to ride by and see you.
Well, I’m not a princess. And I doubt you are, either!
We’re modern women. We don’t wait. We go after what we want.
So how can you go after this guy without seeming pushy?
You use these 3 steps…
He’s Not a Prince
Modern guys aren’t like the princes of old.
They don’t see a princess in a tower and immediately realize she needs their help to get out.
A modern man might see a princess in a tower and think:
Oh, she looks so beautiful and happy up there. She seems like she’s got everything sorted. I’m so far below her level. I’ll have a nice chat with her and then let her get on with things.”
The guys of today NEED our help.
There’s a lot holding them back from asking you out again. They don’t want to risk rejection. If they suspect in any way that you’re not interested, they’ll count themselves lucky they had a nice date and move on.
So your job is to let him know—subtly, of course—that you would say yes to a second date … IF he asked.
How Do I Do That?
Step 1. Let him know you’re having a good time.
If you’re having a good time on a date, it’s no skin off your nose to let him know that. Tell him you’re having a nice time. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Just slip it into the conversation.
Step 2. Suggest a second date idea.
If you find out you have something in common—say, you’re both interested in this new movie that’s about to come out—say something like, “I’ve been looking for someone to go to that with me. None of my friends are interested.” Then leave it there.
You’ve just given him a possible date idea. If he wants to see you again, he’ll remember it.
Step 3. Give him an opening.
After your date, send him a quick message saying that it was nice meeting him. That’s it. A short one-liner, no gushing, no emojis. Just an acknowledgment of the fact that it takes time and energy to go out and meet people.
If he’s interested, he’ll reply.
If he’s not, no harm done! You came across as super-polite and thoughtful. You weren’t chasing him. You were just doing the courteous thing.
Those 3 steps will make it easy for even the shyest guy to ask you out again.
Even better, it will give you something to DO…
Unlike those princesses languishing away in their towers, hoping for some guy to pick them.
Let us know what you think!