Hey, do you enjoy hunting for deals?
We’re not talking about a 70% off sale at some chain store.
We’re talking about flea markets, thrift stores, yard sales, Facebook marketplace, you name it!
There is something SO satisfying about noticing a steal that no one else realizes is worth something.
But did you know you can make money from it?
When you pick up bargains and resell them at a higher price, it’s called flipping.
You’ve probably heard of flippers before. #Girlboss Sophia Amoruso sold vintage clothes on eBay and turned it into an empire.
Flipping is something you can do on the side to whatever level you want. It’s the best of all possible worlds…
You get to shop, and you get paid for your ability to spot a bargain when you sell off your finds!
But maybe you’ve thought about reselling some of your old stuff…
And you’ve hit roadblocks.
You don’t know what’s worth selling or how much to charge for it. You can’t figure out eBay. You’re not sure the best way to package and ship. It’s just too much hassle…
Which is where our guests for today come in.
Rob Stephenson has 24 YEARS of flipping experience.
He and his wife Melissa used flipping to make extra cash for Christmas presents, vacations, any time they needed a bit of extra money.
Then they realized that it paid better than a full-time job—a LOT better.
Now, they support their family of 5 entirely through flipping—and they’re teaching others how to follow in their footsteps through an online system called Flipper University.
You’re about to find out how to flip items on eBay…
Why so many beginners don’t make as much as they’d hoped…
And the #1 skill you need to master if you want to sell big-ticket items.
What You’ll Learn
Embarrassing confession.
Before talking to Rob and Melissa, I thought flipping would be about:
- Going to estate sales and buying up all the cool things I would LOVE to have for myself…
- Taking tasteful pictures of those cool things and posting them on eBay for a percentage higher than what I paid…
- Watching the bidding frenzy start.
Oh man…
I was SO wrong!
Just this one example will show you why.
Rob and Melissa recently sold a taxidermy duck.
Yes, a stuffed mounted dead duck.
Now, Rob and Melissa aren’t duck people. They wouldn’t buy that duck to put in their house. They didn’t look at that duck and fall in love.
What they did was this.
They saw the duck at their local thrift store for $10.
They hopped on eBay and checked to see what taxidermy ducks were going for.
They found that exact same duck on eBay going for anywhere from $250 to $500.
They bought the duck. They listed it on eBay. Within the week, a buyer contacted them saying that he’d pay $425 for it.
Profit: $415 before fees.
That’s how flipping is done.
Clearly, I needed to learn from the masters!
How Rob Got Started Flipping
When Rob was 18 or 19 years old, he was going on a cruise with his girlfriend and her family.
He asked a few of his buddies if they wanted to come, too.
Not many teenagers have the cash to splash out on an expensive cruise, so of course his friends said no.
But Rob wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Let’s go make you the money so we can go on this cruise together,” he told them.
He took his friends to the local Salvation Army auction. They bought a couple of things and resold them for a profit.
They got to go on the cruise together after all, and they had a blast.
That’s why Rob and Melissa love flipping so much.
Everyone has things they’d love to do if only they had the spare cash.
Splash on out on pricey Christmas presents, go somewhere nice on vacation, get the kitchen redone, pay off that credit card bill, you get the idea… 🙂
When you know how to flip, you can make that extra money whenever you want.
You don’t have to rely on scrimping and saving and squeezing your budget.
Flipping Then and Now
Rob had a head start compared to most of us.
He got started flipping when he was 16 years old.
He came from a big family. To provide for him and his six older sisters, his parents would go to yard sales and thrift stores.
They didn’t just buy things they thought their family could use. They bought items to resell, too.
Back in those days, there was no eBay or internet. Rob’s parents relied on classified ads.
To make a profit, they had to know what an item was worth and whether anyone else would want it. Otherwise, they’d lose money on an unsalable item and the cost of placing the ad.
The internet has taken much of that risk away.
Today, instead of relying on local classified ads, flippers can list items on eBay or Facebook Marketplace and reach a much wider audience at a much reduced cost.
But they still have to know whether their item is worth more than they paid for it.
When Rob started out flipping on his own, he’d go to auctions, buy items, come back home, and jump on his dial-up connection to check how much those items were actually worth.
If he paid too much for an item, he was out of luck.
Now even that risk is gone.
“Nowadays, it is so easy to be able to find some good deals, because we have something in our pocket that allows us to check it before we buy it,” Rob says.
Can you guess what it is?
Yep, it’s your phone.
Before you buy anything, whip out your phone and check to see what items like this are going for online.
If the numbers make sense, make a deal.
How to Spot a Deal
“There’s never been a better time to be a flipper,” Rob says.
But that doesn’t mean you can jump into it and start making $$$.
A common beginner’s mistake is getting attached to an item and paying too much for it.
“Check that it’s a great deal before you buy it, so you know what you’re going to make on it,” Rob advises.
If a decent profit margin isn’t there, you have to be able to walk away.
It can be easier to learn the ropes by skipping the step of buying items to resell. Start with what you already own.
We all accumulate stuff we don’t need or use anymore.
If you have kids, they probably have unwanted toys or clothes that are cluttering up their bedrooms.
Find out what those items are worth. List them online. Get your kids involved. (They’ll appreciate the magic of turning old toys into cash for new ones!)
Do You Need a Lot of Money to Start?
One of Rob and Melissa’s students, Stacy, started flipping two years ago with just 50 cents.
She sold that 50-cent item for $20 and reinvested the profits.
She never put a dime of her own money into it, and she hit $100K in two years.
Rob and Melissa recommend starting with items you already own.
Once you feel you know what you’re doing, you can start purchasing items to resell.
Rob and Melissa feel most comfortable buying items that are $20 to $50 dollars. Any more than that, they want to really do the research and make sure they’ll profit from it.
If you’re thinking this sounds like a young person’s game—all the apps and listings and technology—Rob and Melissa find that half their students are over 50.
A lot of people come to them wanting to supplement their retirement income so they can travel and enjoy more fun things than their fixed income allows.
Flipper University
As Rob and Melissa shared their flipping stories with friends and family, they found that people began approaching them to ask how they did it.
That’s where the idea for Flipper University came from.
Rob and Melissa love teaching others how to do what they do.
“Seeing these people go through these journeys and knowing that we had a hand in helping them get to where they’re at … it’s very rewarding,” they say. “We enjoy every minute of it.”
Flipper University is an online course with 13 modules covering everything you need to know about flipping. It includes videos, PDF downloads, even spreadsheets.
The best part of all is a members group where you can ask any question you like and get tips, support, and insider stories. “It’s a really cool community of like-minded people,” Rob says.
Best of all?
You could get Flipper University on a Friday, spend three days doing a deep dive through the material, and be ready to go making money by Monday.
Are you ready to go?
No More Excuses
You’re probably wondering how much you can expect to make flipping.
It’s completely up to you.
But as a general guideline, Rob and Melissa’s goal is to have their students earn their money back in the first month.
If you apply what they teach and put the work in, you might end up earning an extra $500 to $2000 a month.
Some of their students go even further.
They’ve quit their jobs to flip fulltime and make $5000 to $6000 a month.
“It’s amazing to see that,” Rob says, “but it all depends on the time and the effort that you put into it—learning the skills and then actually implementing the skills.”
» Claim your place at Flipper University!
Rob and Melissa want you to succeed. “We love action takers,” Rob says. “They’re the ones who actually see the results the quickest.”
So if money is an issue, they’re offering you a special $100 off coupon—just for us here at Your Brilliance!
You’ll get $100 off the Pro Flipper Package or Pro Flipper Plus if you enter the coupon code YOURBRILLIANCE.
Just look on the right-hand side of the order form for this box:
And enter
to get $100 off.
» Start your flipping journey today…
And make sure to tell us how it went!

Rob and Melissa Stephenson
Rob Stephenson has 25 years of flipping experience. He and his wife Melissa used flipping to make extra cash for Christmas presents, vacations, any time they needed a bit of extra money. Then they realized that it paid better than a full-time job—a LOT better. Now, they support their family of 5 entirely through flipping—and they’re teaching others how to follow in their footsteps at Flipper University.
Let us know what you think!