In the 20th Century:
He wants a catch.
In the 21st Century:
He wants someone who makes him feel alive.
Yes, you could be slim and gorgeous and accomplished and fascinating…
Or you could be warm and happy and glad to see him and a bit mischievous.
How you show up matters more than your objective attributes.
Attributes mattered back in the day when men were looking for a wife.
But most men today aren’t wife hunting.
They’re hoping for an experience.
They want to feel something in a woman’s company they can’t feel on their own.
They want to touch a side of themselves they don’t usually get to express.
(Women want that experience, too. It’s why bad boys are so appealing.)
Questions to consider:
- What makes me feel alive?
- How might I share that with him?
P.S. Your #InnerBadGirl knows exactly how to do this. She’s an expert in desire-oriented living. Men adore her—but maybe you never let her out to play. Make friends with your #InnerBadGirl today.
Let us know what you think!