It makes you feel so guilty.
Doing something just because you WANT to do it.
Like sneaking another piece of chocolate cake, or sleeping in another 10 minutes …
Or taking a moment to stand in the sunshine instead of getting back to work.
That’s not how life works. You have to wait for the weekend before you can enjoy yourself. Your enjoyment comes second to the pleasure you give others.
Taking time for your OWN pleasure when there’s work to be done?
That’s just selfish, isn’t it?
Sophia Treyger doesn’t want you to think that way.
Sophia is a radical pleasurist, a women’s pleasure and intimacy coach. She teaches women how to embrace their capacity to feel limitless pleasure.
And before you ask … no, it doesn’t require a tropical vacation or a studly partner or esoteric Tantric practices!
Genuine sensual pleasure is available to you right here, right now, no matter what you’re doing.
(Yes, even if you’re reading this while at work!)
Then press the Play button below. Sit back and relax while Sophia leads you through a pleasure-boosting exercise designed to get you to slow down and starting enjoying life again.
From Pleaser to Pleasure
What You’ll Learn
“Everything that feels good is bad for you.”
Ever heard that—or said it yourself?
There’s NOTHING you can enjoy with a clear conscience.
But Sophia Treyger doesn’t agree. She knows that enjoyment is available to you in EVERY moment, as long as you’re intentional and connected to your body.
Unfortunately, too many of us don’t expect to enjoy our everyday life. We do what we have to do. We get through it and hope there’s something better waiting for us in the future.
Sophia wants us to see that there’s a different way to live. A way that opens up our vitality, creativity, femininity, and joy.
In her Pleasure and Intimacy Immersion, she teaches women to slow down, connect with their bodies, become more mindful, and communicate more authentically.
These practices not only bring greater joy and pleasure. They also turn your relationship with men upside-down.
If you’ve never experienced what it’s like to have a magnetic pull that’s irresistible to men, Sophia paints a picture for you.
Men don’t want … a people-pleaser. They want you to be yourself, and they want to know what you desire so they can give it to you. They are foaming at the mouth waiting for you to tell them what you desire that’s real. So a woman who is both connected to her pleasure and then can articulate and ask for it and then receive it…”
You get the picture!
So what would you be in for, if you wanted to learn more?
It all starts with understanding pleasure.
“Pleasure is any form of sensual experience,” Sophia explains. It can be anything from looking out the window to sipping a cup of tea. You don’t have to buy anything to get it. And you certainly don’t need anyone’s permission to enjoy it.
She clarifies that she’s not talking about mindless consumerism or overindulging on autopilot.
“Any sensual experience is about mindfulness. It doesn’t happen in the thoughts. It might start with thoughts, but then it has to be connected with the rest of your body and breath and sensations.”
And that’s somewhere that most of us don’t go.
We stay inside our heads, thinking about what we want instead of feeling our desires.
“It’s about connecting to the body again,” Sophia explains. “Most women are not connected to their bodies. They are really afraid to connect with their bodies because of trauma or violence, or they’ve been taught it’s a sin.”
Many women confuse pleasure with sex. Sex may be pleasurable, but pleasure is much more far-reaching.
“Pleasure is infinite. It’s limitless. It’s moment to moment. You can experience pleasure at any moment you choose,” she says, even if you’re in the midst of pain or despair. “You can always choose to focus on experiencing pleasure through your senses.”
Nor do you have to sign up to anyone else’s view of what should be pleasurable.
“This is a solo journey,” she says. “And that’s a really beautiful thing, because I get to decide what my compass is. I get to decide what the map is. I get to decide where it is that I want to go and what it is I want to feel.”
One of Sophia’s inspirations is Pussy by Mama Gena, which challenges women to stand in their power. In the introduction to her book, Mama Gena (real name Regena Thomashauer) writes:
So many of us were taught to keep a lid on anything and everything outrageous. To just turn it off. We turn off our life force, turn off our feelings, turn off our sensuality, and as a consequence, we turn off our power.”
But, as Sophia says, “we can choose to be turned on.” We don’t have to stay in the dark. We can find our own inner light and give ourselves permission to glow.
“Who doesn’t want that?” she adds. “[But] we’re terrified of it. That’s why we dim our lights or other people dim our lights.”
Talking about “guilty pleasures” is one way we turn ourselves off. “We need to remove that word guilty,” she says. When you feel guilty about taking pleasure or receiving it, you cut yourself off from healthy enjoyment.
That’s not to say you should use pleasure to escape or suppress pain. Be intentional about it. “That’s really the biggest thing: mindfulness,” she explains.
So how do you enjoy pleasure mindfully?
You learn to pause.
“Pausing is incredible. Just pausing in your day—in the moment, before you speak—to feel your breath.”
To demonstrate the power of pausing, she leads us through an exercise to feel more grounded in and aware of the body. Moving your hips, whether through dancing or yoga, can “juice things up” and help you feel more feminine.
Sophia teaches these techniques and more in her Pleasure and Intimacy Immersion.
In this online 4-week course, she teaches “single women how to show up in the dating world so (1) they have fun again, (2) they don’t hate men anymore—because I understand it can be really frustrating, and (3) becoming really discerning about who they say yes to and who they’re attracting.”
Pleasure is really about reclaiming your power. It’s about self-love, not just self-care.
And it’s not something you have to wait for any longer. Learn how you can shift From Pleaser to Pleasure.
Jump to Topics of Interest
2:38 What is pleasure?
4:37 Self-love, not self-care
5:54 Disconnection from the body
6:20 No more “guilty” pleasures
7:38 Intentionality
8:12 The power of pausing
9:26 The power of asking questions
11:36 Exercise to help juice you up!
14:05 How Sophia helps single women in the dating world
15:22 How being connected to the body helps you communicate more authentically
18:25 Men don’t want a people-pleaser
18:49 Why you need to be able to receive
19:32 Pleasure and Intimacy Immersion

About Sophia Treyger
Sophia is a women’s pleasure and intimacy coach. She takes her clients through deep transformation using unique body-centered coaching and the support of the intimate sisterhood. She is the founder of The Intimate Sisterhood, the Radical Pleasure Sisterhood, Women’s Intimacy Soirée, and her signature Radical Pleasure Program. Take her 5-Day Self-Pleasure Challenge.
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