That thing you wish you could change about yourself more than ANYTHING?
It’s time to give it a little love.
Because hating it hasn’t done any good.
Hating the things I want to change about myself has never got me very far. How about you?
Yet for some reason most of us continue to use hate and unkindness to try and change ourselves.
We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate; it oppresses.”
– Carl Jung
Research continues to show us that Jung was right.
Acceptance and love are the keys to change, not condemnation and hate.
Hating ourselves has been linked to depression, stress and anxiety … all things that lead to illness, missed work and overall dissatisfaction with life.
Yet we ALL do it.
We try to “hate” our way to changing ourselves.
This unhealthy striving leads to burnout.
Think about the days when you’re hardest on yourself. How do you act around your colleagues and loved ones?
You’re probably more prone to lashing out or losing your temper, which makes you feel worse about yourself, which leads to more stress … and the cycle continues.
Let’s break the cycle!
What’s one small thing about yourself you currently want to change?
Maybe it’s something that frustrates you about yourself. Maybe there’s a New Year’s resolution you never seem quite able to keep. Maybe it’s something you’ve tried to shift several times and haven’t been successful.
Whatever it is, hone in on it.
Think about how you’ve tried to make that change in the past.
Have you called yourself lazy to make yourself go to the gym? Try getting curious about ways to be active that feel good to your body.
Have you told yourself you’re stupid in order to make yourself study or work harder? Try thinking about your goals when you need to do some extra work or study.
Have you opted not to try something new because you’ll never succeed anyway? Try reminding yourself of a time when you DID succeed, and carry that with you.
Whatever your thing is, break your current cycle with some kindness, love and acceptance…
And watch what changes.
For More from Lara…
Watch Lara’s interview with YBTV, where she discusses how to be a “kindness hero” and develop your own self-kindness practice.
Read more articles by Lara.
Let us know what you think!