Know anything better than what pleases you at any given time?
Sexual pleasure is intimately intertwined with health. The circulation and flow of sexual energy affects the mind and body, as well as our emotions. It is the most powerful force that we enjoy, and it is available to anyone.
It has been even proven to help you live longer.
Research carried out at Queens University in Belfast, Ireland, showed that experiencing pleasure on a regular basis increases your lifespan. When people of the same age and health were surveyed, those who experienced more frequent orgasms showed 50% lower death rate than those who didn’t. Pleasure at least once a month also decreases a man’s risk of heart disease.
There are many benefits to pleasure. Here are 5 ways pleasure aids in better health.
1. Burn Calories
Pleasure-filled sex is like exercise for your brain, heart, and entire body.
The New England Journal of Medicine conducted a study which showed that in the average of 6 minutes that sex lasts, it burns about 21 calories. However, according to WebMD, an half hour of sex can burn in the neighborhood of 85 to 100 calories. [1]
Morning pleasure is a great idea for several reasons. Testosterone levels for men are the highest between 7 and 8 a.m. and it can serve as a warm-up to morning exercise.
2. Sleep Better
Pleasure is downright dreamy, because the same endorphins that help you de-stress can also relax your mind and body, priming you for slumber.
Plus, during orgasm, the hormone prolactin is released. There may be a strong relationship there, due to prolactin levels being naturally higher when we sleep.
If you like vigorous sex, take note: Rigorous, high-octane sex can make you feel more energized than sleepy.
3. Bond and Heal
Pleasure triggers the release of many chemical compounds or hormones into the brain.
Some hormones bring us closer, like oxytocin, which is referred to as the cuddling or bonding hormone. That’s because it increases a sense of emotional connection. It’s the same hormone that is elevated in breastfeeding mothers.
Sensual touch and hugs or kisses also increase oxytocin and then peak with orgasm. Being touched fuels the desire for more affection, which releases more oxytocin.
But most of all, pleasure reduces stress, as measured in blood pressure and cortisol levels, and promotes a sense of calm and well-being.
4. Reduce Stress and Pain
When we are in pain, pleasure is the last thing we’re thinking of. But sex can actually reduce the intensity of pain by boosting levels of PEA, serotonin and endorphins.
Phenylethylamine (PEA) is known as the “love drug,” because it is a natural stimulant that activates the brain’s pressure center. PEA is made by our brains, and you can also find it in a number of food sources, like chocolate.
Serotonin is our natural anti-depressant while endorphins, another natural chemical, have a structural makeup similar to morphine. They reduce pain awareness and generate feelings of elation and euphoria.
You’ve heard of the runner’s high, right? Endorphins create that feeling. To get it, you don’t have to run miles. You just have to enjoy pleasure.
5. Fewer Colds
Feed a cold with pleasure.
People who have sex were found to have higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A. Antibodies help combat diseases and keep the body safe from colds and flu, according to researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania.
Now that you may have a different perspective on your usual routine, you can now indulge with a healthier state of mind, body and spirit, when it comes to pleasure.
[1] http://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/guide/10-surprising-health-benefits-of-sex
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