Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.
I’m Amy, and I’m your host.
I wrote Time to Slim to be a quick, hopefully fun read. There’s some science in it, but I managed to rein in my inner geek somewhat.
If you want a preview of your 4-week weight loss program, you can jump ahead to Chapter 5, but do go back and read or listen to those first few chapters!
I’ll be teaching you a simple slogan—which I think of as a “magic spell”—that crystallizes the #1 reason you haven’t been able to lose weight and how to retrain your body for lasting health.
Now, you may be wondering: how fast can you expect to lose the pounds?
Results vary! Some people find they lose 4% of their body weight in 4 months. Starting in week 4, weight loss can accelerate to 1-1/2 lbs per week.
But think of it this way…
What if I offered you a choice?
You could lose 10 lbs super fast and put it back on again in a year…
Or you could take it slow and keep it off for life?
Which would you prefer?
Time to Slim is for those of you who want to lose the weight permanently.
This isn’t a crash diet for one very good reason:
Crash diets slow down your metabolism and leave you heavier than before.
I’m going to teach you how to speed up your metabolism by 10%—you’ll be surprised by how we do it!
Meanwhile, a few important notes.
If you have ANY health conditions or you’ve suffered from an eating disorder, check with your doctor before beginning.
This is doubly important for anyone on diabetes, blood pressure, or heart disease medication.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women may follow the first 3 weeks of this program but should skip Week 4.
I’m also going to ask that you don’t eat diet foods during the program (you know the kind: shakes and bars). Stick to real food.
You’re going to need plenty of fiber, protein, and healthy fats at every meal.
If you’re already on an eating plan you like, like Paleo or South Beach or Whole30, you’re good! I won’t ask you to change WHAT you eat, only WHEN you eat.
I love the Time to Slim program, and I hope you’ll love it, too.
Let me know how you get on! Sharing your experiences with me can help me tweak the program and make it better for other women.
Last but not least, I want you to know that your body is amazing at any size.
I get so angry at the body-shaming that goes on in so many weight-loss programs.
Having a different body shape doesn’t make some people “better” than others. I’m no better than you. I just got lucky finding this information out when I did.
And I know it’s hard to hear, but losing weight won’t make you a whole new person. It won’t take away your problems. You’ll still be you.
I’m still that kid I was in 5th grade worrying that I was ugly because of my body. I think that kid will never go away. I wish I could just take my body for granted. But we don’t live in a world where that’s easy for girls.
So take care of your beautiful body, okay? It’s doing the best it can.
Let’s not punish it by starving it. Let’s help it by giving it a break. I’m rooting for you. 🤗
– Amy