Hey there!

I'm really excited to share the story behind my new book Time to Slim.

My name is Amy Waterman, and I don't usually write books like this.

In fact, I can't stand most weight loss books.

It's the patronizing tone, the impossible promises, and the fact that they never work!

So I always said I wouldn't touch weight loss with a 10-foot pole.

I'm not going to do that to other women.

But something changed my mind...

And solved a mystery I'd been mulling over for 40 years.f

Quick backstory

I woke up in 5th grade to realize I was one of the bigger girls in my class. Thanks, puberty!

I brought my concerns to my mother, who basically said, "This is how it is."

She'd been bigger her entire life.

We were just a family of big, sturdy women. So I was doomed, basically; I'd better get used to it.

But I didn't want to get used to it!

I wanted to be beautiful. I wanted to be one of the pretty girls, not the pudgy one.

So I embarked on a decade-long journey of trying everything I could to beat the odds.

Cabbage soup diet. Herbal teas. Daily gym. Dietary supplements. Non-fat no-sugar everything.

But my body was my body. I was stuck.

Now this is where I'm supposed to tell you that I had this big breakthrough moment where I suddenly discover all the answers and live happily ever after.

It wasn't actually like that.

What actually happened is that I ended up spending over a decade of my life living all over the world and seeing how other people ate.

I was shocked to see a lot of slim people doing just fine on what I thought were bad diets.

They didn't do dieting or diet foods.

They didn't have protein bars or smoothies or gyms, and they had no weight issues.

So why was I struggling with my weight and they weren't?

That question became the subject of my book "The Pleasure Diet" (which isn't actually about dieting but rather pleasure).

I was happy with the book, I was happy with what I'd learned, but it still didn't answer one question:

What made people lose weight and keep it off?

Clearly, no one knew, because it was one fad diet after another.

And then I actually did discover something amazing.

From a kidney doctor, of all people!

And it changed my mind so completely that I said to my publisher,

"You know how I always said I'd never touch weight loss with a 10-foot pole? I'm ready now."

That conversation led to the book that soon could be in your hands (or, rather, on your device).

I'm going to teach you a simple slogan that will change your weight forever.

All you have to do is this one thing, and you can lead your body back to the weight it used to want to be.

Now, this isn't a diet; you're not going to have to weigh your food or buy expensive supplements or change how you eat.

Instead, all you have to do is change the times in which you eat. That's it.

I call it the Meal Timing Method.

And it is so easy that I wish I would have learned about it years ago.

Today, I'm proud to say that I'm the first woman in my family to have cracked the weight puzzle.

I don't have to worry about my weight anymore, which frees me to think about other things I like better instead.

I wished someone had been there to show me this as a 5th grader.

My teen years would have been so different - but that's over and done with, and I'm here now.

I want you to know that even if you've been told the odds are stacked against you...

Changing this one simple thing about how you eat can remind your body of the weight it should have been.

Most people around the world don't need the weight loss industry because they intuitively know how to do this one thing.

Want to be one of them? Then click the link and find out what it is inside.

Of course, I know it’s hard to know whether something will work for you without trying it first.

So how about this?

Go ahead. Try my weight loss program over the next 4 weeks. Then, if you find it's not for you, contact me for a full 100% refund.

You don’t even have to explain why. Just let me know you want a refund ANY time within 60 days of your purchase, and I'll do it.

That’s my 60-Day No-Questions-Asked Sisterhood Guarantee.

Isn't it time for a change?

You've fought so long and so hard to lose weight, and you don't have to fight anymore.

It's time for your body to return to the weight it should have been.

In just a few moments, you can find out what's blocking you from losing weight and how to fix it.

Imagine not having to worry about your weight anymore...

Having the tools to easily shed unwanted pounds...

Knowing that your body is working FOR you rather than against you.

The struggle is almost over.

A new way of life is just moments away.

I can't wait to see you on the other side.

:) Amy

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And if you’re not satisfied for any reason...

Simply let me know with an email and you’ll get back every penny, no questions asked.

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P.S. Are You an Audiobook Listener?

It’s SO much easier to listen than to read sometimes.

When you’re busy and have 1001 things to do, you can switch on an audiobook in the car or listen as you work out.

That’s why, for a limited time, I’m ALSO throwing in the audiobook version of Time to Slim for free!

Order now and get Time to Slim program and audiobook that you can play on any digital device.

This free offer won’t last long, so get it now!